23. Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

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I had left the bar rather quickly after Lotta had disappeared. I tried my best to retrace our steps, but I had no idea in which part of the city I was. My legs felt wobbly, which only made my wandering about more difficult. That sunburned ale was to blame for that, no doubt.

After what felt like hours and hours of endless walking, past buildings who all looked the same, I bumped into a tall figure standing on the side of the road. "I'm sorry," I mumbled, and as I looked up, I stared into familiar, piercing green eyes.

"Are you lost, Sari?" Jerr asked, a grin appearing on his face.

"No," I lied.

"Then why have I seen you walk by this bar five times already?"

Oh. That would explain why all the buildings looked the same.

"You're drunk," he noticed.

"Am not," I said offended. "Lotta left before the game was over."

"You so are," he laughed. "This is golden. Come on, I'll get you home."

"Home," I repeated. That is what it was, now. Home. "Why did Aven kick me out of the meeting?" I blurted out, the words barely coming out of my mouth in understandable syllables.

"Because he doesn't trust you yet. Not enough, at least."

"But you trust me," I said, as I pointed my finger at him. No, I poked him with it in his chest. Oops. "You're nice. I don't like Aven."

Jerr laughed as he subtly supported my body weight on our walk back. "Sometimes I think even Aven doesn't like Aven."

"Why don't you like me?" By the Moons. Didn't I have any boundaries?

"What makes you think I don't like you?" Jerr sounded genuinely surprised.

"I stink," I mumbled. "You didn't like riding with me."

"You don't stink, Sari. Fire Moon's remains on you, do. But they're starting to lessen already. And I had no issue riding with you."

"Liar, liar, pants on fire."

"I'm not lying. Though, maybe we should have this conversation when you're sober, so you'll actually remember what I'm telling you."

"I'm not drunk," I repeated.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire," he teased as he poked me in the ribs.

I had to look up to shoot him an angry glare. He was taller than me on a normal day, but given my drunken form, he was completely towering over me. Amusement flickered across his face as he looked at me. "Is it still far?" I asked. My legs were tiring, and walking proved to be difficult after an intense training, combined with Lotta's drinking game.

"We're almost there."

We didn't say much for the rest of the walk. I was too preoccupied with an upcoming nausea that I tried to subdue. I feared I could not focus on that, and hold a conversation with Jerr at the same time. He seemed to understand as he chuckled. Bloody Wise Moon, probably reading my mind again.

We finally reached the Manor, and the walk up to the front door felt endless. Inside, Jerr let me stumble to my bed on my own, but he remained close. Once I saw my bed, I let myself fall in it - I was sure it was not in the most elegant way - and as soon as my spinning head hit my pillow, I could feel myself dosing off.

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