y/n information

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Name:Y/nLast name:Gaster Age:23Gender:FemaleHeight:5,4Sexuality:Bisexual/polyatomic Hair color:whitish light grayEye color:Blue

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Last name:Gaster
Hair color:whitish light gray
Eye color:Blue


Occupation:Police officer/Therapist/a volunteer

Father:W,D gaster(Dead/Alive)
Older brother/father figure:Papyrus(Alive)(Carrot)

Likes:Friends,Adventures,Cooking,Food, Training,Sewing,Saving people,Au's, Animals,Tacos,Children,Helping.

Dislikes:Bullies,Jerks,Smoking,Cussing, People misunderstanding people,Puns, Monster haters.

Personality:Kind,Sweet,Strong,Brave, Motherly,Understanding.

Description:Unlike the original Underswap sans or male y/n knows how to cook and is not that innocent also she really good at fighting very flexible too also,she is very helpful so she is working three jobs she likes to help people. With their father Gaster he just randomly disappeared so swap papyrus had to take care of y/n by himself,with the help of grillby so y/n sees her big brother more of a father figure then a big brother so you mostly call papyrus papa interested of big brother and papyrus doesn't really care that y/n calls him papa and he,takes the title very well also unlike the original Underswap papyrus your papyrus is not that lazy sometimes he can be lazy if he wants to. Papyrus also knows how to cook so he cooks when y/n is to tired to cook or she has to stay late at work he doesn't,mind cuddles only with his sister/Daughter make,sure she doesn't over work herself before I forget they also know about Au's and the hole multiverse so they already have nicknames for themselves even though y/n will call her brother papa so how will they react when skeleton version of themselfs show of and the male version of y/n.

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