Littles trip to the park

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Your wake up with the sunshine coming through your window. You yawn and sit up stretching, finally a break from work so you could relax at home, you crawl out of bed and pull your pants on before walking out into the living room to get breakfast. You get out two bowls and fill one with Cheerios and milk, setting it on a colorful placemat you fill your bowl with  the same and take a seat at the table, you start eaten as you hear another door open and see your little baby walk out and her face lights up as she sees you. She runs over and hugs you. "Good morning daddy!" You smile and pick her up. "Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" You ask setting her in her chair next to you. "Good." She says with a yawn, she starts eating messily. {Thank god for the placemat} you think. "Can we go to the park please." She asks happily, you reach over with a napkin and wipe her little mouth off. "Of course sweetie, but first you need to finish eating and go get ready." She quickly finishes eating and runs to her room to get dressed. You sigh getting up to put her bowl in the sink along with yours before going to your room to get dressed. You chance into blue jeans and a black T-shirt, you put on your belt before waking into the bathroom to brush your teeth. Your little girl walks in behind you wearing a big pink sweater and a black skirt with pink fluffy socks. You finish brushing your teeth and reach for her toothbrush and put toothpaste on it before handing it to her. She takes it and puts it into her mouth and starts brushing her teeth struggling a bit, you reach down and help her finish brushing before helping her rinse out her mouth. "Can we go to the park now?" "Yes we can." You say taking her hand and walking to the door helping her with her shoes before putting yours on. You walk out of the door with her closing the door behind you, she happily runs across the yard giggling. You run up to catch her and you pick her up. "Sweetie you need to stay with me and hold my hand." You set her down and she grabs your hand as you walk over to the park, you take her over to a bench and sit down. "Can I play now daddy." You let go of her hand and kiss her cheek. "Yes you can, go have fun." She runs off happily to the swings. "I love you daddy!" She reaches the swings and sits on it trying to move it before pouting. "I'm coming sweetie." You walk over and push her on the swing as she giggles happily, you see her long brown hair flowing in the wind along with her black skirt. 23 minutes go by and she hops off the swing and runs to the slide climbing the steps up. "Daddy look!" She says sliding down as the wind blows her skirt up showing her cute pink panties with a little bow on them, when she reaches the bottom she runs to you smiling. "Did you see daddy?" "I saw sweetie, I also saw your little pink panties." She looks at you blushing and moves her hands over her skirt. "Daaaaddy! That embarrassing." You laugh and pick her up. "I'm sorry sweetie but they were so cute." She crosses here arms and pouts, you stand up with her in your arms. "Would someone ice cream turn the little frown upside down?" She cheers up smiling. "Ya! Ice cream!" You laugh while setting her down and taking hand and walking to the ice cream shop next to the park. When you walk inside she runs up to the counter with all the choices pressing her face against the glass. "Daddy I want strawberry with sprinkles." You walk over to the counter and order it for her, when you get it you hand it to her and she quickly starts eating it happily. "Thank you daddy!" She says jumping up and down. "Your welcome sweetie, do you want to start heading home?" You stand up and grab her hand and start walking out. "Yes please." After walking for a while your little baby almost finishes her ice cream before it falls onto her sweater and skirt. "Daaady!" You look down at the mess of the ice cream and her little eyes getting teary. "Sweetie it's ok." You say picking her up. "When we're home after you get cleaned up I'll get you some more ice cream." She looks at you sniffing and nuzzles her face into your neck staying silent until you get home. You walk in the door and set her on the table helping her get her sweater and skirt off. "Why don't we go and give you a bath." She looks up at you nodding, you help her out of her panties and matching bra before picking her up and bringing her to the bathroom and staring the bath. You walk into her room and get her unicorn onesie and white panties with a bow. You walk back into the bathroom and set them on the counter before helping her into the bath and you put some soap on her head and start washing her hair, you stand her up and wash her arms and back before washing her stomach and little chest. You reach down and wash her legs and little butt. "Do you want to wash your private parts yourself?" "Nu uh, daddy wash them please." You reach in between her legs and gently wash her privates before rinsing her body and helping her out of the bath. "Daddy can I stay not wearing clothes?" You sigh as you dry her looking at her little body. "I don't know sweetie, I think you should put some clothes on." She pouts and sits on the floor. "Pleeeease daddy." You look at her before picking her up. "Ok fine you don't have to wear clothes." she smiles happily and hugs you. " can have ice cream please." "Sure sweetie." you walk into the kitchen with her and set her in her seat and getting her a little bowl of ice cream and you set it in front of her and she happily eats it. After she finishes she runs to the couch and wraps her little body in a big fluffy blanket, you put her bowl into the sink before following her and picking her up, you move the blanket and tickle her stomach and she starts laughing and kicking her leg. "Daaady! no tickles." You stop and pull her into you kissing her for head and she yawns and nuzzles into you. "Is it time for bed sweetie." She looks up at you sleepily and nods her head before laying her head back down. You pick her up and carry her to your room and laying her in your bed, you change for bed and climb into bed next to her pulling her close to you. "Did you have fun today." "Ya!" She says with the last of her energy before yawning. "Night night daddy." "Goodnight baby girl." You say gently placing a kiss on her forehead before cuddling her until she's asleep.

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