sweet lie{Mammon x GNMC}

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{creator note:Hello this is my first time writing stories like this so please don't be too critical with me and im also really bad with spelling I apologize  ahead of time. Also in the story you and mammon are dateing :)}

you started realizing your loneliness in the house of lamentation. Mammon didn't hang around you as much as he used to and he was no longer such a jealous demon could it be..... he found someone else you questioned. It was starting to give you a headache thinking of this so you decided  to lay down for a bit. you then woke up and checked the time it was 8:50 you realized that no one had called you down for dinner.  you decided to go down stairs to get something to eat since no one had called you down for dinner.walking down stairs you heard eating noises their was no need to see who was their sines every one new who spends most of their time in the kitchen. walking in you saw Beel almost eating the whole fridge "Beel don't swallow the whole thing" you yelled running towards him.

Beel:"sorry MC"

MC:"it's fine"

you looked at Beel who was a little upset since he was still hungry. you felt a little bad but know it was best to have yelled that who knows maybe he would have swallowed the whole fridge.

MC:"have you seen mammon?"

Beel:"I did see him walking away from the house with some guy"

MC:"was he pretty"

Beel:"I mean they were ok  they didn't look tasty"

you know Beel wouldn't be much help since he thinks with his stomach but you still loved him.You decided to call mammon but as soon you started calling the call hung up and you went straight to voice male. you ran up stairs as you felt your eyes getting watery. you layed their crying yourself to sleep. you woke up to a warm feeling on your cheek you oped your eye's to see Mammon's face his hand cupped you cheek the soft feeling of his hand made you almost forget that he had left with out say and with a random guy. You new that you sounded toxic but he was a famous modal and part of the counsel he was pretty famous now and you knew that a lot of demons and witches were just drooling over him.plus he was stupid enough to make bet's with them.

Mammon: "why is your face so puffy and red?"

MC:"where were you last light"

Mammon:"huh I was here"

MC:"are you sure about that" 

you had said with a treating look while looking at his eyes. he looked rather uncomfortable his leg shaking which made it even clearer that he was lieing to you.the look on your face made mammon feel nevus and wanted to spill every thing but contained him self.

MC:"you are disgusting to look at" (you said under your breath not daring to look up but loud enough for him to hear you.)


MC:"you heard me now get out"

Mammon:"please don't say that im sorry it won't happen again I swear to believe me human"

you stayed quite looking off to the side wondering how long he has been doing this.It was clearer then ever that he was with someone else.

Mammon:"please im begging you.you are the only one i truly love" mammon grabs your face pointing it towered him 

Mammon:It can't end like this it can't. I CANT FUCK UP AGAIN!"

the sudden scream of mammon stunt you as he hugged you tightly. you couldn't help but not feel sorry.

MC:"YOU FUCKING NEW THE CONSEQUENCES!" you yelled as you slapped him across the face setting yourself free from his grip.

you saw as mammon walked out of your room slowly as if waiting or you to yell wait but you never did knowing what he did was wrong. you didn't feel sorry you were in fact happy about this since you did have his brothers a angel and a sorcerer pining over you.

{I like seeing the world burn :) (words:661) My apologies for how short and crappy it was I'll try to do better in the future}

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