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I work long hours, long hours every day therefore meeting new people shouldnt and is not an issue for me ...but for some reason Hes different.


I've been working at Lucy's bar for about 5 years now, I've learned how to handle myself thanks I say. This omega has been bothering me all night, without his companions and girlfriend around Hes a complete ass.

Come one sweetheart, you're a fragile human in a bar with the big dogs. If you're not careful someone could seriously hurt you apollo moves closer to me with every word, I can feel his eyes scanning for any sign of fear or cowardliness. I turn to face him, Hes about 3 feet taller than me,10x stronger and awfully cocky.

I've handled more bigger, stronger, and braver wolves then you Hunny. Hell they at least had the balls to annoy me with their friends around or their pretty little girlfriend, where is she by the way? I turn my back to him and continue my rounds. Apollos's breath was now out of pattern and heavier.

Now you must be careful with that beautifully sharp Toung of yours, you might get hurt before I could even open my mouth I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder, I turn my head and see big teeth dug into my skin hitting everything it possibly could. I'm frozen in pain, shock, ...fear. apollo pulls his teeth out and licks my blood surrounding the wound, I can feel his ego coming off him.

Oh no, you're now hurt. How clumsy of me his hand travels up my lower back and to the top of my head. whoops he then pushes me to the ground landing on my wounded shoulder.

So now what apollo, what are your plans. Give me a lecture on what my place is and walk out of here like youve done something? ..He stares down at me, over top of me he grins and brushes his hair back. I stand to my feet and try to catch my breath; my vision is a little blurry and my head is pounding.

You work like you have nothing else. You talk to others like youve never had anyone to talk to ...hmm my guess is you dont have anything else but this bar and these wolves that walk in here every day. he laughs and makes his way to me [this is my chance] I clutch the fork I grabbed off the floor tighter in my hand. And you watch me like you're unpleased, like your girlfriend isn't enough even Tho she's royalty, tell me why a big Ol wolf would want a human more than royalty. next thing I know apollo lunches an kissed me, his left arm now around my waist and right at my jaw forcing me to stay. He finally stops and sinks his left claws into my skin. cause you're fisty, crazy even, and so fragile I could break you therefore you're easy to control. He moves in to kiss me again. [now] I Stap deep in his right eye making him let me go and scream.

I run out through the backdoor where its nothing but woods. [im bleeding bad, any wolf for miles could smell me.. ] I hear him thrashing around in the bar an then yell my name LINETH!! all I could do was run, run far and fast.

Elis Pov:

What do you mean? I'm not quite understanding. Chloe stands there annoyed. She moves closer I'm the oldest therefore I must marry into another pack to continue their pack, I'm not ready for all that, im only 23 years old. I want to run free and live I'm just asking you help me little bro she watches my every facial expression hoping I give in. you know uncle won't approve I stand and go to the window. Yes, yes I know but Hes no longer alpha. You are therefore it's your decisions now, not His' *opening window* this is true but sis- [wait what is that?] {alex: blood... Its blood} Chloe did everyone come in at 9 like I've ordered? Well yeah I look over at her and I see worry written all over her well what. Spit it out she thinks for a moment and goes to speak Sophia said apollo was staying at the bar a little longer so he could talk to an employee. I look back out the window then all of a sudden it grows stronger {Eli.. Thats human blood} [what? A human should be nowhere near wolves] I turn back to my desk and pull out my computer. Chloe, do you know the name of this bar? well yes its Lucys bar, me and my friends go there every Tuesday and Saturday I quickly move to right Infront of her do you know if any of them are human? she thinks for a quick moment and her face lightens up there's one Shes been working there for a while now, her name is Lineth and Shes great, she saved me from this one wolf who... Chloe's voice slowly fades from my attention. I can smell the blood getting stronger. {she's hurt bad Eli, we need to help her, would you like me to mind link with the pack?} [no just with josh and Sophia, there the strongest warriors in the pack and if it is apollo theyll get to him better than me] Eli I turn to Sophia who is now covered with worry. is that human blood? I go to her and hug her stay here, ill handle it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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