[14] A night with you

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Susheela's pov,

Back in my home i was thinking about Vishal. How come he can be suspended? I know he is not that much sincere officer but still there are a lot more corrupt people.

And Rohtak again? Why this place is still behind me ? No there must be something which i am missing. But what?

Ding dong.

I heard a door bell. Well who else it can be? Except my Pramod!

"Hey" i said while opening the door.

"Missed me?" he asked making me confuse

"Why? I mean we just met in the morning" i said

"but i miss you a lottttttt!" he said engulfing me in his arms.

"Pramod" i whispered softly


"Why we are behaving like a couple?" i asked softly

He looked at me and asked "Aren't we?"

"Are we?"

"I don't know!" He said cutely

"I also don't know" saying this a again hugged him tightly. And soon it turned into a passionate one.


"hmm" i looked up at him while he cupped my face with both his hands and said something which shook me to the core

"I love you!" as these words slip down from his mouth he sealed with his lips on mine.

We both didn't move for a moment and then he started smooching slowly. His rough and fire like lips are working on my cold as ice pair.

He moved his hand slowly from my nape towards the waist pressing and pulling my each muscles against his hard body.

I grip his shirt tightly and soon my nails pierced his chest along the cloth as i was running put of oxygen.

He left my lips for a few seconds and then capturing it again for a hard kiss. He entered his tongue inside my mouth which created an electric sensation inside my whole body.

"Umm" i tapped on his shoulder and he finally let go of my mouth.

We both are breathing heavily with our foreheads leaning against each other. He slowly caress my cheek while i couldn't figure out how to match our eyes. My cheeks are gone all red i guess.

"I love it when you blush " he said while panting heavily.

"Pramod... I -

"Ssh..." he made me shut. I look at him and saw the breath taking smile of his. He rarely smiles and i consider myself lucky enough to witness this.

He took my right hand in his left and entangled our fingers. Kissing slowly on the wrist he moved towards my neck.

"Mmm... Pramod" a soft moan came out of my mouth while he was busy in kissing my neck. He looked back into my eyes and i too was lost in his eyes.

"Can i-

"i want you" i whispered before he could complete his sentence. I don't care about what is going to happen tomorrow or what he will think about me. All i need is him now to settle my mind, to mend my thoughts, to caress my heart and soul.


He smiled at her before picking her up in his protective arms.

"Bed or sofa?" he asked making her cheeks more red.

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