"You're cute when you're half asleep like this"

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prompt: "you're cute when you're half asleep like this"

Donnie drabble set in the commonwealth, they're not together yet, I hope you all enjoy!

"You're cute when you're half asleep like this" Connie signed as Daryl sat up and stretched, the pair had fallen asleep on Daryl's couch after talking for most of the night.

"I'm cute?" he questioned while signing his words and she nodded.

"The cutest" she said slight smirk on her face, and he rolled his eyes.

"I might be a lot of things but cute aint one of them" he told her.

"You're cute though" he signed.

"Me?" she questioned, and he nodded.

"The cutest" He copied her words which caused her to laugh and shake her head at him and then stretched.

"Are you going to stay?" he asked shyly, noting how dark it was outside "or go back to Kelly?" he continued as he signed Kelly's name.

"Can I stay?"

"Uh um yeah sure, of course you can" he stumbled over his words not expecting her to want to stay.

"Thank you" she signed and moved to grab her pen and notepad off the little table in front of them.

"Do you have to work tomorrow?" she showed him her notepad and he shook his head no.

"Why?" he signed, he was trying his best to sign most things and he was getting better as the days when past.

"Just wondered" she told him.

"You working tomorrow?" he asked, and she quickly scribbled a response on her notepad and showed it to him.

"There's not really anything to report here, it's kinda boring, so no"

"It's not hard hitting" he signed the word hard hitting as he recalled her telling them on Halloween.

"Exactly" she signed and yawned before shuffling closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder, his body stiffened slightly at the contact but then he moved his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer.

She tilted her head slightly so she could see his face, he gave her a small shy smile.

"You okay? This okay?" he asked as she was looking at him.

"More than okay" she signed and snuggled deeper into his side. It wasn't long before both of them were asleep again, Connie snuggled into Daryl's side, her arm across his middle, his arms both wrapped around her.

And that was how Judith found them when she woke up, holding each other sound asleep, and she one hundred percent teased Daryl about him and Connie, that was after she told Kelly so she could also join in on the teasing, of course.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Comments and Votes are always appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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"You're cute when you're half asleep like this" - Daryl and Connie (Donnie)Where stories live. Discover now