Bring The Pain ON

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Requested by AfiaRiaz
The members were currently in LA shooting their ON Kinetic Manifesto Film. They had already shot a video for the same song, but that video was more of a story line. This video was focused more on choreography and visuals. The members had practiced with the back up dancers for about a week before going out to their shooting location.

Day one had a rough start. The weather was extremely hot, which the members hadn't anticipated. They felt like they were boiling alive in their performance clothes. To add to the days issues, Yoongi was dealing with a lot of shoulder pain, and in the middle of the shooting Taehyung got smacked in the eye with his coat zipper. As much as it sucked for Taehyung, the members had a good laugh watching the replay of it. Day two of the shooting had gone a bit better, thankfully it wasn't as hot. However, on this day they were having some lighting issues because the suns shadow didn't match the previous day, so they had to work around that. The day ended with no injuries, and even Yoongi's shoulder was feeling better.

The third day would come to be the worst day of all for all of them. At this point everyone was exhausted and didn't have much energy left. They were only fueled by small snacks and a lot of energy drinks. Jungkook had noticed someone new in the group of background dancers, someone he hadn't seen the previous two days or at their week long practice.

"Did I miss out on meeting him? Has he been here the whole time? I don't remember him, I thought we introduced ourselves to everyone?" Jungkook asked Namjoon and Hobi. The two rappers said they didn't recognize the man either. It was odd for a background dancer to come in later in a shooting, especially on the last day. The three walked over to introduce themselves to him but the man brushed them off a bit, he didn't seem to care or want to talk. The three members tried to not take it personally, they knew everyone was stressed out and overheated and cranky.

They continued filming and Taehyung also noticed this new dancer, and also noticed he wasn't exactly very good. During a break he went and pointed it out to the rest of the members, they watched some playback videos and noticed the man wasn't really keeping up with choreography.

"Not to be mean but why did this guy even come if it's our last day of shooting and he doesn't know the right choreography?" Jin asked his members. They all shrugged. They asked around about the man and apparently, nobody else quite knew who he was either. Yet he was in the correct performance clothes so it wasn't making sense to them. Hobi and Jimin asked the cameramen to try and not get him in the shot too much if he wasn't doing the moves correctly in the background. The members spent the next few hours redoing multiple takes. They were perfectionists and would only stop when they were 100% satisfied with their work. Taehyung seemed to be wanting the most redo's even after the members kept telling him his takes couldn't have gotten any more perfect.

At the end of their final day, the team, staff, and dancers celebrated with a lot of cheers. Taehyung noticed the one new dancer who remained distant and didn't talk to anyone, but thought nothing of it. He knew some people just liked to get the job done and be left alone. While wrapping up, the members said they'd like to stay behind on their own and enjoy the scenery of their filming location a bit. The location had been super private so nobody knew the members were filming there, they knew it'd be safe. The staff agreed to it and packed everything, leaving a car behind for the members when they were ready to go. Before they knew it they were the only ones still left at the sight and they began to look around.

The members heard a car pull up and got nervous, hoping their location wasn't leaked and it was people showing up to harass them. They sighed in relief when they saw the back up dancer get out of the car. They figured maybe the man must have left something behind on accident and was coming to retrieve it. They saw the man walking towards them and they headed his way, ready to greet him. Maybe he was in a better mood now?

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