one | I

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     "Yeah, mom, I'll be fine."

     A humid breeze seeped through the cracks of the boarding bridge, clinging to your skin as an uncomfortable sheen. The first step off of the airplane was always the scariest. Somehow, you always felt as if you would slip through the small crack between the walkway and the aircraft itself, despite the scenario being impossible in the first place.

     A small sigh escaped the phone speaker pressed tightly to your ear. You could easily picture the expression on your mother's face. A crease between her eyebrows, eyes flitted downwards as she smoothes the wrinkles of her skirt, heel ticking against the hard tile floor of the kitchen. You swore you heard the echo in the background.

     "I'm sorry it has to be like this," she finally said.

     Your gaze swept across the arrival gate. Taking note of the sign pointing to the baggage claim, you gathered yourself and headed in that direction. "Like what?"

     Her tongue clicked from the other end of the line. "I know you don't know your uncle Zhang all that well. But, Liyue will be good for you. The sun is out almost year-round, did you know that?"

     "I didn't."

     "Well, I always look forward to visiting. I just... haven't had the time lately. Work is busy as ever, as you know."

     You nodded, then realized your mistake. "Right. I'm sure uncle understands."

     "I feel bad, though," she thought aloud. "It's been almost a year since the Ying Yue incident. The last time I was over, he wasn't doing so well. Promise me you'll look out for him, too? I may not be the best at showing it, but... I do care for my brother."

     When your lip began to hurt, you released it from the pinch of your teeth. "Is that why you sent me here? For a mutual babysitting gig?"

     Your mother laughed curtly. "Of course not. The both of you have been alone for a long time, so why not be alone together?"

     "I'm picking up my bag now. I'll text you when we get back to the house, okay?" You expertly avoided responding to her question, even if it was meant to be rhetorical.

     "Tell him I say hello. Love you."

     "You too."

     Your thumb jabbed quickly at the end call button. You didn't realize you were holding your breath until you felt the ache beneath your ribs. The din of suitcase wheels rolling across the floors seemed to leak through your ears thick like honey, while passersby went along as if everything were normal. Swallowing back the nerves that arose in your throat, you scooped your bag off of the carousel and fell back into momentum with the crowd.

     A vibration in your pocket pulled you out of your trance.

     I'm glad you landed safely. I'm by door four, see you soon sunshine!

     A smile tugged at the corner of your lips at the nickname. You were actually looking forward to staying with Zhang. As a child, visiting your uncle was one of your favorite parts of the holidays. You had fond memories of gardening with Ying Yue in the backyard, then after, Zhang would indulge you in wanting to ride the mower by taking you a few laps around the house. He would sit you on his knees and let you place your hands on top of his, giving the illusion that you were the one steering.

     Once the mower had been stowed away, he'd heave you onto his shoulders and duck out of the shed. Ying Yue would meet the two of you outside the door, popsicles in hand, and let you have the first pick. Your heart squeezed at the thought of her radiant smile.

Midnight, the Stars and You [ G. Impact ]Where stories live. Discover now