ꪮne two zero

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soojin sat cross-legged at her desk with the interns, half of them goofing off while the other half focused to get their work done

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soojin sat cross-legged at her desk with the interns, half of them goofing off while the other half focused to get their work done.

puffing a sigh through her nose, the girl subtly leaned her head onto renjun's shoulder to peek at what he was doing on his phone. to her surprise (or not, really), he was looking for cat memes on pinterest.

"for jaehyun?" she inquired, and the younger smirked coyly. "yep. he hasn't threatened to block me in a week. i think i'm getting under his skin."

soojin shook her head and rolled her eyes. "be the one to tame him, young one." she teased, and renjun blushed lightly before shoving the girl away with a small laugh.

the moment was cut short when yewon appeared in the doorway, slightly out of breath as she frantically adjusted her crooked glasses. "i-i need to talk to soojin, please. it's urgent."

the minute the two were alone, yewon turned to face the younger so fast soojin thought her glasses would fall off again. "they're buying out our employees and leaked a rumor to the media about you."

soojin narrowed her eyes, "me? wait, who? what's going on—"

"it says your mother is stepping down and giving you the company immediately." she breathed, eyes shut as if the words coming out of her mouth pained her. "i'm not gonna lie, it's pretty brutal..."

soojin blinked. then her hand shot towards her phone, instantly typing her company name in the twitter search bar. as she read her heart began to beat faster and faster and the likes and retweets got higher and higher.

"fucking hell..." alcoholic. drug addict. whore. that last one filled the comment sections, along with brief remarks about pulling stocks. she spotted very few people defending her and the company. at least ryuji's $200 went to a good cause, since there was no mention of the altercation at the cafe.

soojin's eyes darted between the device and her co-worker, who was basically gnawing on her fingernails. "what can we do?"

"our advertising team is working to delete everything mentioning this article, but it's spreading pretty quickly among the business world." she rambled, now pacing as if there was something she really wanted to ask but wasn't sure how.

after a few more moments of panic, yewon took a step closer to soojin and tilted her chin so that only she could hear. "i've heard the interns talking about a plan you have against the nakamoto's... is it true?"

the raventte felt like a giant, iron fist punched all the air out of her lungs. "well, yes, but—"

"suanne," she could tell by the furrow in yewon's brows that she didn't want to ask. that this was going to take a toll on the entire company, not just her. "we're desperate."

soojin thought hard, biting her lip. "o-okay. i'll see what i can do."


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