Love and Conquer

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[Name] walked down the stairs... she could smell dinner. Roasted meat... mashed vegetables... wine.

Clarme walked ahead of her, leading her to the dining area where Vader sat at the head of the table. She seated [Name] in a chair closest to him. He turned, peered at her through the mask, surprised by the servant's boldness. He calmed when he saw the knowing smile in Clarme's eyes as she and [Name] exchanged glances. He sensed secrets between the two women, happy ones.

Food steamed in serving dishes on the table. The lights dimmed and candles flickered.

A plate of food sat before Vader and [Name] wondered why. Until, he moved his voice box and began to eat.

Her fork dropped to her plate as she stared at him, mouth agape.

"You can eat whole food!" [Name] exclaimed.

She thought better of her words then slunk back into the cushions of her chair. Vader ate more bites, then put the modulator back into his mask.

"The vials are a convenience, not a necessity."

"I feel as though I've been duped! I worried about you-"

He smiled behind the mask. She really cared. Vader's hands crossed the table and covered her own. [Name]'s eyes fell to her plate as she lifted her fork again and ate in silence.

"Have you given my proposal consideration?" he asked.

[Name] mumbled between bites. "You mean your demand."

"I've never been good at compromise."

She mulled over his words.

"What was your proposal?" she asked.

[Name] didn't bother with the meaning behind his words. Vader was always so straightforward, she never felt the need to.

"To conquer the galaxy. To rule it together."

"The galaxy has already been conquered. By you... by the emperor."

"The time for the emperor's fall has come."

Vader saw the disappointment in her eyes, which fell to her plate.

" But I don't want to conquer the galaxy... I want to conquer your heart."

[Name] stood, crossed her chair, then sat on his lap. This was beyond improper. In fact, downright unruly table behavior. Nevertheless, she draped an arm over his shoulder and the other around the front of his neck and locked her hands together.

"I want to be married and have children. They will be the center of my on Naboo. I will have a husband who loves me, and is good because I know his heart. I'll follow wherever he goes with the hope that he'll only take me to good places to do good things and that I will be enough."

She couldn't mean him? Vader thought. This was his curse. He came from nothing and now he wanted everything - [Name] included. He wished she were enough. But sadly, she could never be.

Besides, he was anything but good. Suddenly Vader felt dangerously close to snapping her neck. If he couldn't give her the life she wanted, no one else could.

What would life be like knowing she was on Naboo, married, with a family that wasn't his? But [Name], blissfully ignorant of his darkening thoughts leaned forward and ate from Vader's plate... and he knew, things would be no other way. They were together. And he promised himself that he would take her to good places, and keep his savage conquests a secret.

Who said he couldn't' have it all? He smiled.

[Name] might help him forget Padme. She might help him move on, heal...

He slid an arm under her legs and stood, carrying her in his arms.

"Set me down, Clarme might see us."

"And you worry about that now?"

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