Full name: Galaxystar
nickname: Galaxy or Star
love intrest:winter
personality: Galaxy is strong,independent,overprotective of moon,always ready to fight if needed,doesn't trust people easily,loyal to friends,family and expecally Moon,she is more of a fighter then a runner,she doesn't surrender or give up easily,if you hurt moon,make her mad,upset or frustrated,she will attack agressivley at you,when she is sad she either isolate herself from others,act cold or talk to moon. she is Cold and a loner as well,but if you get to know her,she is acally a chill,kind,caring,loyal and a softy dragon.she is easy going to her friends and family,she will do anything to protect moon or make her happy. she is a ambivert,she is usaully quiet but can be outgoing as well to people she knows and trusts very much. Galaxy is also quick to anger if she is in a bad mood,moon know to leave her alone until she is a bit better then try to cheer her up,galaxy is quite intellegent as well. when her head is clear she can think up creative,great ideas or stratigies if needed. Galaxy is Creative,very creative,artistic,can be calm as well but at the same time she could be very chotic and confusing as well, she is also really random at times but moon won't mind, she doesn't like to show weakeness as well.her head is usaully in the clouds daydreaming and asking weird random questions in her head unless Moon snap her out of it.by usaully give her a light sholve with her wing or a light hit of her tail. Galaxy also likes to try and see things a different point of view or put herself in their shoes or paws/talons?
likes:scrolls,winter,moon,sleeping,quiet,calmness,peacefulness,forests,eating,drinking,daydreaming,drawing,writing,thinking,chilling,listening to music,hanging out with friends,family and moon.
dislikes:moon getting hurt,emotionlly,mentally,physically or any other way lets just say she do completly anahilate the dragon,thing or object that hurt moon in any other way,scrolls being destroyed,dragons fighting for no reason,dragons distrubting or interupting her privacy,dragons teasing her or hurting moon, being woken up rudely or early,if a dragon did that she do whack the dragon hard with her tail,stomp off grumbling,yes Galaxy is grumpy and scary if waken up in the morning.dragons hurting each other in any other way she hates it, Galaxy usaully prefers peacefulness,she also attack if needed to,she also watches a suspicous dragon,if the dragon did anything harmful or bad,a few seconds later before the dragon can blink it was already pinned to the floor,with all its limbs,body,jaws,head and tail held down harshely then a quick snap or swipe from Galaxy,the dragon will be unconcious.Galaxy prefer her fights to be having all her opponet's body parts and possible weapons all pinned down and unable to move,then quickly she attack,knocking it unconcious,her tatic is also to attack the enemy's weak point or when the enemy is weaken,she also attacks the enemy's by their weakness as well,she prefers to have an advendage or the upperhand when fighting.
descripton: Galaxy has glowing purple eyes,black scales with a speck of mythically purple,her wings are black and her inner wings is light purple with black glowing stars on it,her tail is spiky like an icewing's right now because of her kind,she can switch tail to match the form of different tribes to use their abillities,she can switch completely so that she can use the certain tribe's abillity,the only thing that didn't change when she switch forms of different tribes was her eyes,it is still slightly purple but not glowing,so no dragon will regonize the eyes and will realize it is not one of their tribe members.her horns are currently black right now to match her nightwing-icewing hybrid form.since she is the last Galaxywing she needed to stay hidden.
what she looks like:
The base I use is from devident art(sorry if it is not really good,)
FanfictionGalaxywings are the only tribe that is more powerfuler then Nightwings,they can teleport,use telekeneses,telepathy,mind control,create portals,send things to the void,create things out of nothing,turn invisble,shoot a deadly purple fire out of their...