01. Naomi

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" Naomi!" The sound of my name makes me jolt up from my bed at once. I clean my eyes and stare at the person next to my open door. My younger sister Rachel stands next to my door with a toothbrush in her hand as she smiles at me.

" Good morning. Mama said I should tell you that you will be late for work soon." Rachel says and disappears down the hallway, leaving my door open.

I groan and get out of bed. I quickly take my bath, get dressed in my previous day clothes and head to the living room. The house looks lively and smells beautiful.

" Pancakes." I say as I walk towards the kitchen.

Mom's making pancakes like I predicted.

" Good morning, Mama." I say and kiss my mother on the cheeks.

" Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?" Mom asks and scoops pancakes on a plate and pushes it to the edge of the counter for me to take. I give her a grateful nod and brew coffee for myself.

" Good." I say, while adding sugar and cream to my coffee.

" Mmm..."

" Is this about that boyfriend of yours?" Mom asks in Spanish.

I groan. Everytime she speaks in our language to me, I feel like a child. She always does this on purpose.

" Mama." I blow air into my coffee and take a sip. I sit down to start eating.

" I thought you two were like done." Rachel says and pokes her head into the kitchen. I glare at her.

" Out. The seniors are talking." Mom says in English. Rachel rolls her eyes and disappears behind the wall.

Mom sighs and turns to look at me. I avoid her gaze. I can't, with her right now. I don't want to talk about my bad relationship with George.

" Sweetheart." Mom says in Spanish.

I look up, while trying to eat up my pancakes and get the hell out of here. I'm nearly late for work and my mother knows that.

" Are you okay?" She continues in Spanish.

" Yeah. I'm fine." I say and stand up, carrying my plates with me to the sink.

" Okay, I believe you." She continues to speak in Spanish.

I ignore her and drop my plates in the sink. I turn on the tap to wash my hands.

" Is he still bothering you? I mean, after you told him you were done?" Mom asks in Spanish.

" Yup." I mutter underneath my breath. George is the last person I want to talk about right now and she knows that.

" What did you even see in him? I'd never liked him. He's just so privileged with daddy and mommy issues. He's too full of himself and God, he's so arrogant. I mean, not standing up for you when his mother was berating you, that was so shameless of him. And his parents, who do they think they're? The fact that they're rich doesn't mean they'll treat people like gum. Chew them up and throw them away when they please. God, they are just out of control. These privileged people..." Mom goes on and on with Spanish.

" Mom. It's okay. George and I are over. We're not getting back together. I didn't know it would turn out like this. I'm done with him. For good. And I don't care about his parents berating me. I'm a successful woman and a graduate with a marketing degree. The fact that I don't have a good job yet doesn't make me useless." I say and sigh as I turn off the tap.

This is why I don't want to talk about George or his family. They just give me a headache that tends to stay for too long.

" I'm happy you're finally moving on and becoming a real woman. I knew I trained you to be better." Mom says and leans against the counter as she watches me. I don't say a word but drink my coffee in peace and quiet.

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