|Dry and Empty|

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The beginning and end are not the same!

"How long are you gonna be like this?" A Mullet hair said to brunette who sips the red wine and stared at purple lights. "Like single, dry, empty, Jobless" the mullet added it.

"Mr.Taehyung you're distracting me...are u aware about that?" He asked while placed the wine on the table as he took the cigarette. "Between I'm not dry, Maybe single but not empty" He added while inhaled the smoke. They both are in luxurious club and having a little talk and drink.

"Oh, distracting From what ?" Taehyung said as he loosed the tie while eyeing the Man who wear  black jacket and rolling his eyes on him. "Damn, Jungkook if I didn't tell you this then someone gonna tease you of how useless you are!. Find Job or work for your father's company"

"Sure do, but not now" Jungkook said and corrected his hair while he find some creepy girl who gives flirty stares at him.

"Why? What about Now?" Taehyung asked as he little getting serious to the topic. But Jungkook seductively raised his eyebrows at some creepy girl.

Taehyung noted that "Stop sleeping around Jungkook..that's really not a manly thing. Find someone..only one"

"Who I'm I ? A perfect guy? An innocent one? Oh ! Come on Tae, It's just one life. You only lives once.. cool okie! Enjoy before it gone" Jungkook said as he stood up from his couch.

"Well, I'm not a perfect guy to advise you before, but after I met uncle Jeon. I started to admire your family, in search of  that I find the love of My life. And I want you to do that" he said and got up from the couh and followed him "Is that bad?" He added.

Jungkook paused and turned to him "Wait, did you meet My father? Or he told you to do this? Stop brain washing me"

"Accidentally I worked in your company under Your father, I probably meet him everyday.." Jungkook didn't listen as he keep walking forward "Cut your shits!! Uncle Jeon is better than my father. Don't talk bad about him"

Jungkook paused and confusedly asked "But you don't have father,"


"Tae, please next time. I'm not in the mood right now... You just call your love life and fuck him... see you tomorrow" Jungkook didn't wait to hear Taehyung as he followed the creepy girl who entered the another red floor which leads to rooms where people spend their night with some girls.

Taehyung shaked hi head at his back and sighs, suddenly his phone vibrated and the I'd shows Hobi 💋 "Talk of the devil" Taehyung mumboed and swipe green tab to attend the call.


Mr.park and his mother both entered the room no 206. Mr. Park eyes fall on his father where he lay on the bed while the machine beeped at each beat of his heart.

Mr.park cannot look at his father being in this stage, it kills him as he tightened the hold of his Mother's hand. As she sobbing slowly while looking at her Husband. They never thought that the day will come and her husband will leave us.

"I cannot..." she sniffed "I cannot see him..." she hugged her son while Mr.park hild her tightly as they both exit the room and Mr.park make her sat on the waiting room.

Soon, Jimin runned to them. "Dad?" He stopped once he saw his father holding his granny who is crying mess. "Jimin..go" His father gesture him to enter the room.

Jimin nervously entered the room, he could only hear the beep sound of machine and some smell of medicines, he hate to the hell. "Grandpa" he whispered as his tears crossed the cheeks. He slowly took his chair and sat beside him, He Remembered Yesterday he was so happy with his grandpa and now he can't have heart to see like this.

The old Man slowly moved his eyeballs as he slowly opened his eyes, Jimin eyes wides as he hold Grandpa's hand. It's so warm to hold, Jimin caressed his forehead "Grandpa, Can you hear me?"

The old Man blinked his eyes, while Jimin kissed his hand and hold to his cheeks. He again blinked twice to call him close. Jimin slowly neared his lips "Di--d y-ou ea-t?" His Grandpa whispered to him. Jimin nodded while started to sobs.

Soon, Mr.park and his Mother entered the Room, Along with Dr.Namjoon. Mr.park placed his hands on Jimin's back as Jimin turned to hugged his father and sobbed, voicelessly.

"Try to talk to him, He is better now" Dr.Namjoon said while sign the report which beside the bed. "Honey," his wife called him, as the old Man blinked and smiled at her, weekly.

"Father, we will be go home... soon. Don't worry"  Mr.park said, as Jimin withdraw his hugs and wiped his tears. The old Man blinked one more time to say 'okie'. Everyone smiled at him and Jimin hugged his granny.


"So, what about the marketing rate?" Mr.Jeon asked while walked to the floor which leads to another staircase.

"Marketing rate is little down, uncle Jeon. We will work it out" Taehyung said and followed behind him.

Mr.Jeon sighed and turned to Taehyung "You've been taking care of so much, Tae. Don't do extra work" He pats his shoulder. "It's nothing uncle Jeon, just piece of cake" Taehyung proudly dusted his fingers as Mr.Jeon giggled at him.

"You're just not My son's best friend, you're My another son Tae. Talk about My son where is he?" Mr.Jeon asked as he fished his pocket.

"He actually... worked last night...so, He is tired I guess?" Taehyung try to put some lie as Mr.Jeon raised his eyebrows just like Jungkook do when Taehyung lie to him.

"Really Tae?" He tilted his head "I never seen in my life that My son work so hard for our company" He took his phone to dial "He didn't come home last night, Also he is not in office too." He said while showed the phone screen to Taehyung who squints his eyes to peaks, it shows 30 called dial went and ignored by Jungkook.

Taehyung gulped and again back to face Mr.Jeon "I know what he do Tae, and I pretty much know more about you covering him every time he being in trouble." He sighs "I don't know how to change him" He looked away as Taehyung but his lower lips.

"Uncle Jeon, Don't worry he will change one day" Taehyung try to cover up for him but Mr.Jeon shaked his head "Just a waste of time, What about the Management work?"

"Oh that's..." Taehyung said and clicked the Tab on his hand to check te status "Mr.Park as in leave for 1 week. He will continue his work from next week"

"What happened to him?"

"His father is sick, I guess"

Mr.Jeon thought for a minute "Get some information about him, we will visit his home" Mr.Jeon said as Taehyung confused stared at him "He is our good employee Tae, also a hard worker who never took day-off."

"I do, Uncle Jeon" Taehyung said and marked on the application. As Both continue to walk on the office floor.

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