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Ps; I know that Riyadh has no King or queen whatsoever and has only a governor but this is just a work of fiction 😉

"Everything has a beginning, everything has an end, everything has a middle also, so this is the middle"'~husna.


The weather was cold and windy, so comforting and relaxing zaynab thought as she sat down on the chair placed in the balcony a paper placed on a table holding a pencil she started sketching a gown.
so focus on her work she didn't hear someone calling her name till the balcony door flew open loudly making flinch a little.

"zaynab!!, where's Zayn" Nayn ask stepping into the balcony his long black hair that was always kept tidy and perfectly tied was now  disheveled, he looked disturbed, his  eyes were bloodshot, giving his light green orbs a darker colour.

"what do you mean, didn't you guys go out together" she ask immediately standing up, her drawing long forgotten.

"No, innallilahi waina'illahir raji'un"

"what's wrong" she asked already looking worried.

"He_" he couldn't finish when he received a message from his phone.

"Not again, Y Allah" he yelled frustratingly.

"Nayn I ask you what's wrong!!" At this point she was already screaming, What happened to her Zayn, her husband.

tears welled up in his eyes "I need to leave"

"NAYN HASHMIR NAIN YOU WILL NOT LEAVE THIS PLACE UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG OKAY, HE'S MY HUSBAND YOU CAN'T JUST COME AND ACT LIKE THIS AND LEAVE ME WITH MY THOUGHTS" this was the first time he heard her shouting, if he wasn't in this situation he would have been surprised.



"what do you mean Nayn where is my husband please" she ask tears rolling down her cheeks, at this moment he hated himself, Zaynab isn't just a sister in law to him but also his sister, and his twin brother will kill him if he knows that he let tears fall out of her eyes.
But he couldn't answer her, so he turn around and left practically running down the stairs, he left Zayn's chamber the Royal maids and guard Bowing as a sign of respect, they all were shocked seeing the prince running but they were more shocked when they saw the Young queen running behind him, her Shayla wasn't kept properly showing a bit of her long black silky hair.

when he finally reach the old small chamber he shared with Zayn before, he sigh tiredly.
before he could open the door, the door opened and there stood his twin brother with blood oozing out of his right hand, a car key laid in his left hand and he clutched it tightly.
he was wearing a black Hoodie with matching sweat pants and a black and white Díor sneakers. his black jet hair was kept unruly, his blue ocean eyes looks lifeless, cold and distant, he looks murderous.
his eyes clash with his brothers own he shook his head,

"Don't follow me" he said quietly

"You know am supposed to act like this, I was betrayed more than you so please drop this goddamn act!!" Nayn yelled.

But Zayn didn't reply.

He was about to leave when his eyes clash with hers, for a moment everything stopped.
blue to black. Her eyes held different kinds emotions; pain, shock, concern, fear, but unlike everyone's own that held pity hers held love.

But still he left, he entered the latest version of BMW and drove out of the Palace like a Maniac she didn't waste a minute before snatching Nayn's phone out of his hands before running to the twins personal garage which was close, she picked a key which happens to be that of a silver Range Rover she entered inside the car before roaring it to life.

Soon she was on the busy road of Riyadh, she quickly sighted his car and followed it, this is the fastest she has ever drove a car.
He broke all the traffic rules and regulations, and so did she.

she was about to call him when a number called from Nayn's phone 'Dream girl😪❤️'
immediately knowing that he used Asma'u's phone so she answered the call.

"Stop the goddamn car zaynab, do you want kill yourself" Asma'u's  voice filled her ears.

"Asma, Zayn he-- I can't" she whispered her voice cracking at the end.

"Zaynab the baby" Asma'u whispered she knows that the girl is crying already by now, she has always been emotional. But then at this point she knows that her sister was telling the truth, the baby.

She quickly hang up without replying and kept dialing Zayn's number, At the fifth call he picked up  "What the hell Nayn" he yelled.

"Hayat" she whispered

no reply

"please stop the car love, please you will end up hurting yourself, I need you please stop the car don't do this"

no reply

"I love you, please" at this point she was sobbing loudly.

no reply

"Zayn, for the sake of our unborn baby please love, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

it came before she even saw it, but at least she has told him what she wanted to tell him, soon the pain came, then followed by her painful scream, and then followed by his own painful scream through the phone, scream of regret, she wanted to tell him not to worry she wanted to tell him that she doesn't blame him but she couldn't, it came from the back and so was the pain, she clutched her stomach tightly before it hit her their baby, when she felt the familiar arms around her she stopped fighting, she blank out completely and darkness welcome her.

"please stay with me I can't live without you"

~As they say no one is perfect but when two imperfect souls make each other feel perfect, indeed they are perfectly matched.


Finally it has been published.

So this novel has two authors,
Yuppppppppiee me and my sister also my GUARDUIÀN. (KEEPER)

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