And Suddenly All The Love Songs, They Were About You

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RIGHT. SO. I had this random idea and couldn't get it out of my here it is. 

I hate ads and I cannot in good conscious subject you to them ANY LONGER. So it's "chaptered" but posted as one! If it doesn't work or if you just hate this and would prefer more structure (and don't mind the ads) lemme know!

This is literally pure fluff, plain and simple.

One tiny thing! (Maybe a minor spoiler?) Naomi calls Harry "Papa" and then says she did so because she can't call him mommy because he's a boy. I wanted to clarify that I fully understand that anyone regardless of sex or gender identity can be called "mom," but, this is through the eyes of a four-year-old, and four-year-olds often don't fully grasp the complexities of gender identity and terminology. 

Warnings (trigger and spoilers): absentee parent/parental abandonment (maternal) and mentions of the trauma that causes, morning sickness/vomiting (implied not discussed), mentions of female pregnancy (NO miscarriage or infant loss), MASSIVE "A Farewell To Arms" by Ernest Hemingway spoilers (great book 15/10 recommend), premature birth (everything is a-ok just a little early), I think that's it but PLEASE let me know if I missed any


"I am telling you Ry, it was the worst date I have ever been on in my life," Louis sighed throwing his head back into his best friend's couch.

"Louis it couldn't have possibly been that bad," Riley responded bouncing Louis's sleeping toddler on her hip.

"Ry, he compared me having Reggie and Naomi, to his two dogs. Then told me he had it harder because at least Reg can learn to speak...unlike his puppy." Louis whisper-shouted careful to not wake his son.

"Speaking of Mi, are she and Lola sleeping?" Louis asked, feeling like a failure of a father for not asking about his 4-year-old the second he walked in.

"Yeah, been out for about a half an hour. They built a fort so I couldn't see they were awake past their bedtime." Riley laid Reggie down in the travel crib, careful not to jostle him awake.

Louis furrowed his brows, "Her bedtime was only a half an hour ago," Louis started with confusion.

Riley waved him off, "oh yeah, but I told them it was bedtime a half-hour early, that way they could have the fun of breaking the rules but would still go to bed on time. Anyway, so this guy compared being a single parent to being a dog dad?"

Louis laughed, "Ry you genius. Yes, he did, my first date since Emily left and this is what happens." Louis choked out a chuckle.

"We're not going to talk about Emily, she's in the past. I feel sorry for her. Imagine walking away from you, Reggie and Naomi because you think you can find better." Riley scoffed, giving Louis's hand a nice squeeze.

"I cannot believe my first date in 6 years was such a colossal failure. Men are trash, well all except Reg of course." Louis smiled scrunching his nose with fondness at the mention of the sleeping 2-year-old.

"Well...I know a guy who is exactly your type and honestly one of the best people you'll ever meet." Riley started holding back a smirk.

Louis sat up at attention, "And why, oh why dear Riley, have you been keeping this from me, your best friend and trusted neighbor?"

"Because you know him, kind of. More by extension than anything. It's Harry but hear me out..."

Louis cut her off, "Nope, no, absolutely not Riley. I will not, I repeat, WILL NOT, be going out on a date with Harry. No way. Nuh-uh." Louis rolled his eyes at the proposition and flopped back into the couch. To think he got his hopes up for a second.

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