Day of Tears

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It was a day of tears.

[Name] finally relented. She told Bail the truth. That she wanted to go home - and back to Vader. [Name] thought the senator would be surprised by her request. But it was his response that shocked her.

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this... but there is no home. Naboo has fallen. The queen is dead and a garrison is in control of it now. Naboo has become one of the Empire's manufacturing planets."

Not even Bail had expected this level of raw hate from Vader. That he would go against the ever weakening senate and justify destroying Naboo with allegations that the queen and the government had committed acts of treason against the Republic. He also hadn't realized how deeply involved Vader had been with [Name]. Perhaps, they should have left her to the Sith Lord. But it was too late. Bail chose to keep her away for her own safety. She didn't understand how dangerous these times were for everyone. It would only get worse when Vader killed her. Everyone would pay for his guilt.

[Name] broke the holovoid connection, not wanting the sullen-looking senator to see her cry.

Clarme, who traveled with her from Naboo, prepared a meal for [Name]. But she couldn't eat. She was miserable and swollen.

"Please, eat something, Milady. You can't go on this way," Clarme pleaded.

"It's my fault...they told me he was a monster but I didn't believe them. He's doing this because I stayed away, because he's angry with me."

She resisted the constant interruptions to her thoughts. Vader could mind speak from across the galaxy. She felt him in her mind not long after she left Naboo. It was how he learned she'd been hiding on Krune. He could send her messages and trace her if she let him. But some of her old padawan training was still there so she managed to successfully block him from her thoughts. She felt him everywhere. Even in her belly.

Clarme squatted before [Name], pulling her hands into her own.

"They do what they do because they're ill. But unfortunately for us they're powerful men so there's nothing we can do to get them the help they need."

"You don't understand," [Name] cried.

"I understand my child, I do."

Clarme ran fingers along [Name]'s cheek. She'd always been the closest thing [Name] had to a mother.

"How? How could you possibly understand?"

"I told you I too, once loved a very powerful man. A man who also became a monster. [Name]... that man was the emperor himself."

[Name] gasped.

"We're two of a kind," Clarme said.

"The troubling part is that I still love him." [Name] cried.

"Understandable, given your condition. You have a connection to him. But it'll be over soon," Clarme promised.

"It won't. Not until he finds me. Why don't they let me go back? It's done more harm to the Republic than good. He destroyed Naboo! A place he loved. A place his dead wife once ruled. A place we found love with each other," [Name] said. "I want to go back. I want to end this reign of tyranny even if it means sacrificing myself. I know he'll kill me. Why would he take Naboo knowing how much it would hurt us both?"

Clarme stood, shook her head. "Naboo was also my home. As a young woman, I too, sat upon its throne. That's how I met the emperor. He was a senator and somehow charmed and wooed his way into my heart. And when I married him, he controlled me with lies, and hid his lust for power. I believed he was a good man. [Name], you must listen to me..."

Clarme's silvery long hair shone. She was still beautiful, elegant, and graceful. [Name] could easily see her sitting on Naboo's throne as a very young woman.

"I hid among the servants after thirty years of marriage to get away from him. When he found me, I also thought I would be killed. But... he showed me mercy... said I'd suffer under the hand and foot of politicians who weren't my equals. But I was happy working for you. I've treated you as I would my own daughter. And have loved you over the years. I couldnt' have asked for a better politician to serve. Not once did you treat me like a servant, but like a mother and a friend."

"That is who you are..." [Name] said. "I love you too..."

"Then please, eat for me. Don't let this tear you apart. Be strong. Like the emperor he serves, he will show you mercy. I promise you... You must have faith. When he sees how much you believe in him, and see what you carry inside of you, his anger will dissolve."

"I hope you're right, Clarme. If he should ever find me."

"He will," she said.

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