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A Photo of Francess is shown above👆

Francess Jonah

Height: 5'2
Age: 21
Body: Slim, bottom hourglass
Hair type : Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Fair
Medical report: Man Allergy
Career: Student at Bradford University, USA
Physical appearance: four-eyed, always wears a face mask, Unstylish- daily wears the same pattern of clothes.

Henry Snows

Age: 23
Height: 6'0
Body: Tall, Muscular
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Coffee Brown
Skin: Tan
Career: Student at Bradford University, USA


       It happened nine years ago in her home in Los Angeles, California when she was forcefully raped by her step father.
       Ever since that unforgettable night, Francess Jonah has lived with trauma and has become allergic to men. Any slight touch, no matter how little, makes her to begin sneezing, and develop itchy skin rash.
         Now in College, still suffering from this allergy, Francess wants to experience what love feels like.

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