a day to remeber

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chapter 1

what a day i feel as if i could fly i saw him yes him the cute jock on the football team . as i walked to my history class i felt someone bump into me excuse me they said as i looked up and saw it was him again as i quitely said its ok and walked to my seat .i though jocks were supposed to be rude and what not but i guess i was wrong as the day went on i kept running in to him every time our eyes meet i couldnt stop blushing and smiling like a fool on april fools day . i sit in my eight period class and tell my friend ally and she said ive seen it all day and i said i cant wait until tomrrow and see him and our friend bill and john who can be a jerk but arent we all jerks at some point in life but the last bell rings and im on my way to the locker room to change for soccer practise and he kindly says his name is austin and i said my names bella nice to meet you but i must hurry dont want to be late to practise .He smiled and said catch you in class and two hours pass practise is finally over my cleats are killing me i stand where are parent dropp off for school is an there he is starring at me but i looked away as my mom pulled up and she asks who is that guy starring at me and i said this guy i meet at school whos in my classes but he seems nice and all i could think to my self hes sooo cute i cant wait for school little did i know ..................

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