Chapter 1: The Beginning Pt. 1

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(Yuuko's P.O.V.)

            The wind blew gently across my face, as I found myself relaxing by the river near my palace. I had yet again escaped successfully. Palace life is rough, especially when you're only adopted into it. I performed all of my duties just fine, everything came naturally to me, but that didn't make it any less suffocating. So moments like these, where I can escape from the confines of the palace walls were the absolute best to me. The sun showed midway through the sky, showing it was late afternoon into early evening, and I knew my peace would soon have to come to an end. I let a sigh escape my lips, before the wind blew again, this time bringing with it a new presence. I turned my head casually towards where the new presence was, only to be met with strikingly amber eyes. Before me stood a tall boy around who looked to be around my age with long silver hair, a white kimono with a red floral pattern on its shoulders, and the beginnings of some soon-to-be impressive armor. He also had a large pelt on his right shoulder. I could tell from the feel of his presence that he was a powerful demon, yet I wasn't afraid despite being human. 

            "Hello there, who might you be?" I questioned him in a pleasant tone of voice. He stared at me for a moment, his eyes appearing cold and unbothered. "Sesshomaru, and you are?" He questioned me, his tone matching his eyes. "My name is Yuuko, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've never seen you before, what brings you to these lands?" I asked him, my tone as polite and pleasant as always, just as it was trained to be. "My father." he replied simply. "Your father?" I questioned. "Yes, he's visiting some human village, and he brought me along." he said, this time his tone showing a tinge of annoyance. I couldn't stop myself from giggling slightly. "You despise humans then I take it?" I responded in a playful tone. "Very much so, they disgust me." He responded in a harsh tone. "Then why hold this conversation with me, am I not human?" I replied, a small smirk on my face. He didn't respond, instead he stared at me with a tinge  of confusion on his face, as though he could not begin to fathom his own actions just now. "Well then, I must be off. It was an honor to meet you, Sesshomaru." I said as I stood up and bowed respectfully towards him, then made my way towards the palace. I snuck back in through the servant's entrance, and made it to the throne room just in time for the bells to go off, signaling the arrival of someone of high importance. My siblings and father were quick to arrive in the room as well, as my siblings and I were stood in order of age. From right to left we went oldest to youngest. 

           Soon after the bells went off and everyone was gathered in the throne room, in walked our newest guest. He was a tall man with long silver hair tied in a pony tail. He, much like his son, also wore a white kimono. This one had a purple design on its shoulders. He sported an impressive set of armor, and carried three unique swords at his side. I could see the resemblance between him and Sesshomaru right away. Speaking of whom, Sesshomaru stood behind his father with a highly annoyed look on his face that was masked by one of formalities. "Ah, Lord Inutaisho, welcome to my palace. I thank you for making such a journey to visit us. Please, allow me to introduce my children. From right to left we have Katsurou my eldest son and child, Akiko my eldest daughter, Yuuko, and my youngest daughter Fuyuko." Father said in a formal and polite manner. Lord Inutaisho smiled in a formal manner, and nodded his head. "I appreciate the warm welcome. This here is my only son Sesshomaru. I have come here today because I have heard tell of your adopted daughter, who is she pray tell?" Lord Inutaisho asked. "Ah yes, here she is" Father said, gesturing for me to come over. I complied, now standing next to my father before Lord Inutaisho. I bowed respectfully to him, "It is an honor to meet you Lord Inutaisho. As father previously stated, my name is Yuuko." I said in a formal tone, as I straightened myself back up. 

       "Please, the pleasure is all mine. Lord Kamihara, I would like to speak with you privately if that is alright with you." Lord Inutaisho said to father. "Oh of course! You four are dismissed." My father said, dismissing my siblings and I. As we were walking out, I heard Lord Inutaisho telling Sesshomaru to go and join us. The tensions in the room grew exponentially, but Sesshomaru merely grunted in response and obeyed his father's orders. I was about to walk off to the gardens, when Akiko and Katsurou stopped me. "How did you do it?" Akiko questioned me in a snobbish tone. "Do what?" I asked feigning innocence. "You know what. How did you get to the throne room before any of us, when I know you snuck out again?" She questioned me hotly. "Oh that, it's simple really. I ran into Lord Inutaisho's son when I was down by the river. He informed me that his father was visiting a human village. I assumed it was ours, and dismissed myself before coming back home. That's all." I responded in a nonchalant manner. "Tch. Just admit it, you used those freakish senses and abilities of yours to rush back here before father could notice your absence again." Akiko snapped out harshly. She's always been hard on me, while also being jealous of my abilities. Neither her nor Katsurou were pleased by my presence in this family, and they only really began to acknowledge me after our mother passed away from a sudden illness. 

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