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A special request from @AllTheButtersEver , hope u enjoy it (and everyone else ofc)!


You sat next to Egon in his lab as you watched him fix one of the proton packs. Well, Peter's proton pack to be specific. Egon had laid out different pliers, scissors, etcetera to fix it while you sat and watched him work his magic. You, Egon, Peter, and Ray had been friends since you became a scientist at Columbia University.

1979, University of Columbia

You were walking through the school's wide hallways trying to reach your laboratory. You looked down at the ground as you walked, worrying if your experiments on paranormal activity would work. You suddenly felt yourself bump into someone, the two of you falling to the floor.

"Oh my God, I'm so, so sorry. I should've looked where I was going. I've been busy worrying about my supernatural experiments that.." You rambled on apologetically, your voice trailing off as your eyes met the person you had run into. His dark brown eyes stared back into yours, and you felt your stomach tie up in knots.

"It's, uh, fine. I'm fine. No need to apologize." The man said. "Um, supernatural, you say?"

"Yes, are you interested?" You asked. You were shocked that anyone else besides you was interested in the paranormal.

"My colleagues and I have been studying the paranormal for a while, but no one has taken us seriously." The man replied as he picked up his belongings off the tile floor. "I'm Dr. Egon Spengler."

"Y/n L/n. You're that scientist that tried to drill a hole through his head, correct?" You asked.

"Yes, not a very fond memory I have here," Egon replied with a side smile. "Do you want to come with me to meet the others, then maybe we could observe your findings and compare them to ours."

"That sounds great." You grinned as you walked with Egon back to his lab. That was the moment you knew you were in love with him. You hadn't believed in love at first sight until that very moment.

It's now the year 1984, and the four of you had opened up your own paranormal elimination business called 'Ghostbusters'. Your romantic feelings towards Egon never changed throughout that time period. Egon had considered you a friend, nothing more. Well, at least that's how you assumed he thought of you.

Egon had been head over heels for you since the day you two first met, he just wasn't great at expressing his feelings, and everyone that knew him knew that. You were the first person that Egon had fallen in love with. When he discovered these feelings for you, he described his findings to Ray and Peter, to which Peter immediately said that he was in love. Egon thought he couldn't possibly be in love, but after Peter helped him come to terms with his feelings, Egon knew Peter wasn't lying to him. Of course, Peter gave him advice on how to flirt and make suggestive comments toward you, but Egon never used his methods. Instead, he kept his feelings internalized for the next four years, and you do the same.

Now and then you two would have your romantic moments, like when Egon took you to the planetarium for your birthday in 1982. He had remembered that you loved planets and space, so he took you to the place he knew you were bound to love. Or moments when you would just hang out at the firehouse as you waited for a call.

For instance, about two weeks ago you were waiting for a call and decided to make time go faster by watching Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. Egon had taken interest in the movie and sat down next to you. Not that the movie was boring, but he had fallen asleep from how tired he was, his head slumping down and resting on your shoulder. Peter had walked in on the scene and has teased you and Egon about it ever since then. An example: today as you watched Egon work, Peter came into the lab in need of God knows what.

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