Chapter1, the Blarg invaders

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Tim, a normal student at a normal school in a normal day... wait no, it wasn't a normal day, it was the day the Blarg-bots invaded... WAIT! Ignore that it was a normal day! You don't, or, aren't supposed to know that yet... so just ignore the intro. Tim was walking down the sidewalk, heading home from school. Lately in the news he's been hearing about these odd automations known as 'Blarg-bots'. Of course, everyone thought it was a scam. Tim sighed as he glanced around, seeing a man. Or was it a man? He wasn't sure... he was wearing a hoodie and his head was shaped oddly... so, Tim, being the curious idiot he was, pulled down the man's hoodie and... it was a Blarg-bot! THEY WE'RE NOT JUST A CONSPIRACY! Tim proceeded to scream like a little girl and then die by the tunes of the robot, alien force... through the power of wubs. The Blarg-bots had started their invasion, the large crimson, metallic ship hovering over cities, towns, and Indians [Pun intended, not trying to be racist]. They blasted the people with their loud wubs of death. The world was doomed to the power of the electronic tunes and pitches. The only way to kill the Blargs was to destroy their God. SKRILLEX [Yes, all-caps], but, where was their God? It turned out... their God? It was one of us! Or... them I guess...? It was a human. DUNDUNDUUUUUUH! So, the governments of the world went searching through their societies for this 'Wub Gawd'. This 'Wub Gawd' was hiding, earning the trust of thousands through the power of the InterWubs [Because SKRILLEX took over the InterWebs and turned it to the InterWubs]. Normal citizens started mutilating themselves and implanting different stereos, electronics, phones, speakers, anything that could make the tunes. The world was turning into a world of zomeos [Play on words, zombies+stereos=zomeos]. Soon, everyman, everywomen, and everydog would be zomeos. The only person who could end this carnage, Tim. Wait no, he died already, Eh, I'll figure it out in the next section. Tim was revived a magical force known as the 'Medipack'. Tim suddenly was awesome, the armor on his body was magical [And looked pretty homo, no offense to any homosexuals reading this]. He laughed at his sudden amount of strength, throwing cars around like a total douche. He sighed loudly "This is so fun!" He commented as he threw a train into a skyscraper. GODDUBSTEP TIM! You're supposed to be saving the world, not destroying sh-stuff for fun! YOU IDIOT "Oh... okay" He responded to the omnipresent voice [Known as the Narrator]. Tim leaped up, grabbing onto the side of a Blarg ship, tearing open the wall and crawling inside. Thousands of Blarg-bots stared at him "Who the fab is this?" Asked a Blarg-bot in a deep, auto-tune voice "I'm the good guy" Remarked Tim, offended that he wasn't known as the hero. "TERMINATE!" The bots commanded in unnerving tune and sync "I'm the hero, I only die in awesome timings and even awesomer ways" He stated as the bots proceeded to beat Tim to death. The bots kicked Tim's body out of the ship, which rag-dolled it's way to the earth in a flaming ball of death. Of course, Tim didn't die, no, the hero only dies in badass timings and ways. So, yet again, Tim was revived by the magical force Medipack. He leaped back into the ship, his arms had fallen asleep so he screams as the blood starts to circulate again. "I HATE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS!" He yelped in pain, the bots stared at him "Plot-Twist activate" They murmured in sync, their heads transforming into pyramids as they all raised their right hands into the air. "Illuminati" They state as the ship started to transform, Skrillex appearing in the center of the large geometric room "I am Illuminati, there is nothing you can do to stop meh!" He screamed as he started his rain of wub-filled electronic terror, killing Tim instantaneously. Tim was revived again, now for some reason immune to the powerful wubs. "Is it possible that I stop dying so much?" NO! Yelled the omnipresent voice "You have a Narrator? Lame, I have an Auto-tuner" Said Skrillex in his Emo voice, which was auto-tuned thanks to the Auto-tuner. "An Auto-tuner? Can't you just do that on your own?" Skrillex stared at Tim in disbelief "I'm famous, I have a person to do everything for me" He remarked in a snicker. God, Skrillex as a God... anyways, Tim proceeded to punch Skrillex, which was slow-mo with wubs playing in the background for dramatic effect, Skrillex's hair flinging around, making an ungodly amount of Emo fangirls faint "I CAN'T BE DEFEATED!" Yelled the Emo God, screaming in loud tune, making Tim implode. "Why do I keep dying?" Tim asked the Narrator, SHUT UP TIM, GO WITH IT! "Okay..." Tim sighs at his words as he respawns. So, Tim was once again defeated. He sighed loudly "Dying gets boring and annoying after about the 5th time" I DONT CARE, I AM THE WRITER, YOURE A CHARACTER, DEAL WIT IT! "Fine... not like I can argue" Exactly, now shut up and go through with the story. Tim nodded, jumping back into the ship, beating Skrillex's face. "'re still alive?" Asked Skrillex "Yeah... I can't die until I kill you" Remarked Tim "Fine... I'll die" Skrillex stated before going rag-doll, now dead. "Finally" Tim said, pausing as he glanced around, hearing annoying music in the background "What the..." He watched as a giant poptart cat flew through the ship, leaving a trail of rainbow... and so... Tim's adventures continue in the next chapter, 'Nyan Invades', where Tim will face the next horrifyingly cute creation of the Internet...

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