The Awakening

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I grew up in a society where your status was based on the number that you had. When you are 18 years old in Brightham you get a number on your wrist. The number represents how many times that you get to live. If you die then you can come back and live another lifetime.
The highest number ever was 579, my grandmother had gotten that number and she was named the president. The higher the number that you get, the higher the status that you get in the community to help shape us for future generations. Future duties and living up to our standards Blah, Blah, Blah.

I am now 18 and today is the day we get our job assigned to us. We have to show the council of elders our number and then they give us our job in order to help society. "Trinity, it's time to go!" my mom yelled from the top of the stairs. "Ok, mom I'll be up in a minute," I said as I walked up the stairs to see my mom and dad waiting for me, arms crossed over their chests.

The look on their faces let me know that they didn't like that I had chosen to go today instead for tomorrow. I wanted to get this over with, I didn't even care that I might not even make the cut. "What?" I snarled, which got me a very icy glare from mom and an odd questionable look from dad. "Young lady doesn't use that tone with me, I'm your mother do you remember the one who pays for your food, clothes, and shelter." She said like she just won that and every other fight. "Yes mom, I won't do it again." she made a little sound of triumph. We got into the car to take the 15-mile drive to the council headquarters. There was nothing to do in the car so I looked out the window.

The trees were their normal bright green like a lush green bush. The rivers were clear as a crystal and the sun reflecting the water made it sparkle. I just loved all the colors in the world and someday I'm going to visit the-. My thought was cut off by the sound of our tires hitting the gravel. I looked to see the massive building with large marble pillars on the steps. There were golden vines creeping up the sides of the pillars and up the side of the building. This was the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I stepped out of the car and there were 7 figures at the top of the stairs, as we got closer we saw that it was three male council members, three female council members, and my grandmother the president.

The second we hit the top step my grandmother gave me one of her famous hugs. It had been too long since the last time that I saw my grandmother, she gave me a hug 1 year ago and she whispered in my ear to be safe and watch out for my mother and father. I was confused but I looked into her bright emerald eyes. A council member cleared their throat to let us know we should stop hugging. I looked into my grandmother's eyes for what may be the last time and I saw that they weren't as bright.

The other council members opened the massive mahogany doors with silver and gold wolves all around the edges of the door. I stepped in cautiously, my parents very lightly nudged me into the long hallway. I saw my friends Briar, Haily, Cerise, and Raven, I waved them over. My parents went down the hallway that read Parents/Guardians in gold cursive. What is it with place and gold come on people don't they know that there are any other colors? "Hey, Trinity, how's it going?" said Cerise in her husky voice that almost sounded like a wolf could talk. "Well, my parents were not thrilled for the entire town watching me get my job because of my Number."

Her dark brown hair with the white stripe was swishing like a chocolate waterfall with a white chocolate drizzle. We were all in our best clothes, Briar in her pink dress that cut off at her knees and trailed in the back of it with pink rosebuds. Haily was dressed in a black silk dress that fit like a glove around her waist and hips with diamonds flowing down to look like stars. Raven was dressed in a purple and black dress that was fitted to her knees and then it poofed out down to the floor. Cerise was dressed in a blood red and midnight black empire waist dress that flowed from her waist in red silk with black lace that made the shape of a wolf howling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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