1:The Start

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"Ugh.My head hurts,"grunted Cale as he woke up from his sleep.

It was a normal peaceful day.Cale enjoying the rest time he has with his family.And of course he soon dozed off.

"Brother!BROTHER!!Wake up!Mother and Father have called for us!"A little girl with blue coloured hair just like witiria shouted.

Cale woke up from his daze from a shout asking him to wake up.He stared at the little girl shouting for him to wake up.

And soon the memories started the flash in his mind.

The little girl right in front of him was named,Kamisato Ayaka and was his little sister.

And he was named Kamisato Ayato.The heir of the Kamisato Clan.A fact he found more shocking,than the fact about him waking up as a whole different person.

But Cale had no time to faint just yet.He had to deal with the situation right in front of him.

"Alright,ill be there in 5 minutes."

"OK!I'll ask the servants to help you."

Cale nods his head at his sisters answer,and walks off to his wardrobe.
After getting into the Japanese like clothes in his wardrobe.He walked off to see his parents.

Cale hated the fact he had to see his parents at a time like this.He had just woken up as a new person,at least let him process all the information.

As he walks right beside his sister he try's to set all the pieces of the puzzle on the table.

The number one reason why he might be here is because of that damn God of Death.He is the only possible theory anyway.

And now Cale was thinking about the why?

1:He was poisoned and died in his sleep.And his family went berserk and made me transmigrate again

2:There was a variable in this world that was gonna destroy the world.And he was supposed to save the world

3:Its all a dream.Sometimes he wonders if the world he was originally in was just a dream.Everything a figment of his imagination.And he was in some kind of coma

And that was all the theory's he could have thought of at the moment.

Maybe if he learns more about this world or 'dream'.He'll get more theories.
Ayaka POV:

Hm?Why is brother spacing out again?we're right in front of the door!

Now that i think about it.Brother has been spacing out a lot lately.

Maybe its because he's still a little sleepy,or maybe it's because he's stressed about being the head.

Anyhow,i should probably break him out of his daze.

I'll talk to him about it later.
"Brother we're right in front of the dining room,"Ayaka said.

"Ah yes.Please open the door,"Cale said realising where they were.

"Yes Young master,"One of the servants replied to Cale or should we say Ayato.

Cale observed what the Maids and butlers were wearing.He really was in some kind of old japan.

They were wearing Simple kimonos and yukatas.Nothing special.Now that he looks around the place.He feels so stupid.

The houses format and style looked much like a minka from all those history books he had read for a project in high school.Of course that was before the disaster happened,and when he was still young at the time.

And when he woke up and saw his now found sister.She was wearing something that looked like a kimono,and it was definitely made with good silk.

The Kamisato Clan must be rich.Cale thought many times as he observed his surroundings.

But he knew for sure this world had some kind of fantasy thing apart of it.I mean,he and his sister has blue hair for gods sake.

After the door opened.Cale saw his new parents.His mother who is named,Kamisato kayu.She had beautiful long blue hair which him and his sister probably inherited.She was also renowned to be a prideful woman.

Cale POV:
Next to her is my father.My father's name is ?,-,;/?.

Hmm? ;/,/?/.Why the hell cant i say his name?What the hack is wrong with this stupid world?

Is this some stupid curse?What the hell?!-;;/?/? I actually can't say his name!

How am i gonna live when i cant even say his name?!

How stupid.Is his name some kind of information i can't talk about?

Its not like this is a game!Im not breaking the 4th wall anyway!
After Cale's little misfortune of not being able to say his fathers name.He greeted his new parent's.

"Good morning.Mother,Father.I hope i don't come off rude.But why did you call us?"

"We just wanted to eat breakfast with the two of you.You both know we're very busy,so we don't get to eat much with the two of you."

"I see mother.Of course we'll eat with our parents,"Ayaka responded energetically.

Without Cale's consent.Ayaka pulled him to the chair to eat breakfast.
That was nice.I haven't actually eaten with chopsticks in a while.I was in the damn victorian era with a monarchy.Of course I didn't use chopsticks.

Cale mentally sighed.But he was quite happy.

He got to eat Japanese food.Which he hasn't seen in like years.

Cale finally decided he should probably learn more about this world.So he excused himself and went to the study.

But without Cale knowing.His parents quietly mumbled to each other.

"Why is he already preparing?"

"The sooner the better.We're already old who knows what could happen to us."

And their conversation continued on.
Cale walked out of the dining room with a clear mind.Finally filled with food.Which was not good as Beacrox's cooking of course.

He headed to the study.

"Young Master,where are you going?"
A boy with blond hair called him.

Oh that boy.He's Thoma.If i recall he is the new helper.Quite young to be a helper.

"Hello Thoma.Im going to the study."

"Oh i see.Would you mind if I follow you.I have to clean some of the shelves.Some of the Maids said it was a bit dirty."

Why can't the maids just do it themselves?Are they already slacking off?Wow.

"Sure.Now come on we don't got all day."

Thoma nodded and they headed to the library.

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