The Ellipsis

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The ellipsis (...), also known informally as dot dot dot, is a series of dots that indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning. (Wikipedia)
There was a dot at the end of a sentence.
Let us name that dot Darby.
Darby was tired of always ending sentences.
Darby stopped ending sentences when two other dots came along.

Daryll was a kind dot.
Daryll was happy to end sentences.
But Daryll was weak.
Daryll made a friend long before Daryll met Darby.
That friend was named Damian.

Damian was a sick dot.
Bound to be deleted sooner than other dots.
Damian liked the thought of "friends."
Damian wanted to experience being in between two other dots like Damian though dots were supposed to be alone.

All three dots felt lonely.
Despite having commas, colons, and semi-colons in the same sentence as the dot,
The dots felt lonely.

Damian met Daryll when both dots were placed beside each other accidentally.
The two dots became friends.
They had what the other needed.
Damian was the strength Daryll wanted.
Daryll was the friend Damian wanted.
They were inseparable.

Darby met the two other dots when they were placed next to each other.
First placed was Darby.
Then Damian.
And to end the group was Daryll.
They formed a group called The Ellipsis together.
All three dots were now happy.

Darby liked Daryll.
Daryll liked Darby.
Damian knew this.
Damian encouraged the two dots to be lovers.
Daryll moved to be beside Darby.
Left Damian at the end.
But Damian was not offended.

The time came when Damian was to become deleted.
Damian did not cry.
Damian was not sad.
Damian fulfilled the dot's goal.
Damian made friends.

Darby and Daryll cried then.
The dots lost a friend.
The dots knew that Damian wanted the two to be happy.
Darby and Daryll were sad.
The Ellipsis was no more.

The two dots knew the relationship could not work anymore.
Daryll moved to end another sentence.
Darby was left alone again.
Damian was no more.

Darby was sad to end sentences.
Daryll was happy to end sentences.
Damian wanted friends.

Darby was left to do what the dot hated and existed to meet another two dots.
But Darby felt that it was wrong.
The other dots could not compare to Daryll and Damian.
Darby was sad until the dot was deleted.

Daryll also met two other dots.
Daryll found another lover.
Daryll moved on.
Daryll was happy until the dot was deleted.

Let the story of The Ellipsis be a lesson. Never take anything for granted and think for it to be forever. Know that things constantly change. Learn from your mistakes.

Never dwell on the past like Darby.
Do not forget but learn from the past like Daryll.
Die happy and proud like Damian.

Be happy with your friends.

I wonder who you are among The Ellipsis...

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