Chapter 1

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~age 8~

Quickly running through the forest a young girl jumped over rocks and roots, animals scattered out of her path in fear. The little girl knew this path well. She always took this way when she ran away, which meant the man chasing her knew it too. Quickly she searched for a place off of the path to hide, starting to run faster. Once she spotted an old den the girl quickly turned and dove into it, curling herself as far as she could into the back of the den. The man chasing her ran past the tree which harbored the den. Slowly she poke her head out and glanced around. No longer seeing the man she finally relaxed her limbs with a groan. After crawling out from underneath the den she sat in front of it, letting herself catch her breath. The girl slowly stood up and placed a hand on the tree with a smile. "Thank you Mr. Tree." She whispered.

The girl set off to the east, walking deeper into the forest creating subtle landmarks for herself. After a few minutes of walking she came across a clearing with a river on the opposite side of it. She stood behind a tree staring into the clearing deep in her thoughts. Finally deciding that covering her scent was the smartest thing to do she surveyed the clearing once again, this time spotting the large dark cave with a firepit in the front. "I hope they don't mind me crossing to get to the river." She mumbled quietly as she stepped into the clearing. Like one of the deer she had scared off while running she carefully took each step until she had gotten to the middle of the clearing and slipped into her thoughts. Her head slowly titling down as she absentmindedly walked around every rock, root, bug, and flower.

She bumped into something and tumbled backwards, falling onto the ground. Her head snapped up to see what she'd run into. It was a boy, not three inches taller than her. He scoffed at her rolling his eyes with his arms crossed. Offended she stuck her tongue out at him spreading her hands next to her ears. The boy stared at her in shock before growling and tackling her, effectively pinning her down. She squirmed and rolled them around until she was on top of the boy. "Pinned ya!" She chirped happily using all her strength to keep his shoulders down. The boy growled louder this time and sent them tumbling around again. Both of them tried to stay on top of the other until eventually the girl had pinned the boy again. "Pinned ya again!" She exclaimed with a large smile. The boy beneath her groaned as he shoved her off and sat up. "My name's Lucy!" She said, her smile never faltering. The boy merely ignored her in favor of observing her now dirty clothing. Her clothes definitely did not belong outside. "You can understand me right? What's your name?" He looked up at her with a deadpan look. "If you don't answer I'll just start calling you Aki." He raised a brow at her and shook his head.

"Natsu." He sighed. He looked back to her face to see that she was staring at him with wonder in her eyes. "Your name is the coolest!" She exclaimed, throwing her hand up. Natsu's eyes widened in shock, she liked his name? Her giddiness didn't last long however, as a crude voice called out from deeper in the forest. "Lucy~ Darling you can't hide forever!" Natsu's eyes hardened as he looked out into the trees. Lucy, who was now shaking, tried to stand up "I, um have." She gulped, "I think I have to go now." Natsu stared up at her for a moment before grabbing her arm and dragging her into the cave. He dragged them just far enough for the darkness to completely conceal them and dragged her to sit down on the floor. The man walked by the entrance of the cave glancing around for the blonde girl. "Lucy, Darling please we do not have the time for this." He said with malice lacing his voice. Suddenly a loud roar shook the ground and the man outside quickly jumped into a crouching stance and looked to the sky. A dragon landed in front of the man and looked down at him with a cold glare. "Leave" it snarled, the man quickly scrambled away completely forgetting his mission.

The dragon scoffed and looked at the cave. "Don't tell me you were scared of that guy?" It laughed as a blue light began to engulf the beast. "COURSE NOT!" Natsu yelled from inside the cave. He grabbed Lucy's hand and dragged her back to the front of the cave. The blue light around the dragon faded away to reveal a man with a black cloak covering his arm and the tattoos across his body. "The woman was scared." Natsu huffed, letting go of Lucy's arm. She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him again silently preparing herself to be tackled. As she had predicted Natsu tackled her to the ground and they both began to tumble over each other once again. "PINNED YA!" Lucy yelled in triumph, wearing a smug smile. Natsu snarled and sent them rolling again. He became even more annoyed when he heard the dragon laughing at them hysterically. "Pinned ya AGAIN!" She laughed showing off her 'muscles' Natsu groaned and pushed her off again. With a scoff and a sliver of a smile that graced Natsu's lips he stormed off into the cave. Lucy quickly got up and followed him, she didn't want to be left alone with the dragon!

~to be continued~

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