The Beging of it All

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Lilly's POV

I stand in the corner of a boxing ring and my friend stands across from me, not in a corner. "Lilly, come out of the corner!" She sounds frustrated.

I promptly replied, "And again I say never." Looking her up and down so will she shy away from me.

She must be flustered as to why I'm in the corner still, "Fine stay in the corner."

I step out of the corner, "Do you want to go?"

She throws me a strange look, "Maybe."

I hold up my fists, "Then let us go."

"Yaay," she does the robot then hops up and down, "We are going places!"

I throw her a strange look, "I meant fighting."

She stops moving looks awkward when looking around then scratches the back of her head, "Maybe you should elaborate more..."

"That is what people say when they want to fight," I move into a fighting position.

"Okay... I'm A Lover Not A Fighter, Soooo... Uhhh... Pocky?" After opening a packet of Green Tea Pocky, she holds out two sticks.

"Thanks," grabs them, then eats them, smiles, then laughs. My plan, should work, how hard is it to take Pocky? I thought to myself.

"See... All Smiles Now."

"More, please." I stick my hand out.

"My Pocky," she pulls it to her breast.


She holds one out, " Use It Carefully Lilly-San."

I slowly munch it, then give her a grateful glance. She smirks and sings out, "Pocky, Pocky, Pocky! More Pocky For Meeeeeee!" I flash her one of my famous mischievous smiles, then snatch her Pocky. "Lilly, give me back my Pocky!"

I flash her another mischievous grin, "Never." I start to munch on some.

" Ughhhh..! I'll Cry..."

I laugh, then smile, "I came up with this earlier."

She starts crying, very loudly, "SEBASTIAN! Lilly Took My Pocky..!!"

"So," I munch on some Pocky.

"So...?" She gives me a questioning look.

I stare at her harshly, "So, want some?"

" Yeeeeeessssssssss!"

I take one last handful, "Look, this is good stuff," I hand her the bag with only five left in it.

" You're Sooooo Mean! It Was Mineeeeee..."


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