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hello i just wanted to say something

if you don't like the outfit i added then imagine another outfit please

but if that is to hard for you too, then i will not add an outfit and just say 'you picked an outfit of your choice' or only show the picture of the clothes if you don't like seeing the person wearing the outfit- saying 'oh the person is white and skinny so y/n is'

no, y/n is whatever skin colour you are and whatever body type you are.
i'm trying to make this book acceptable for everyone

yes there are mistakes i've made but i will fix them, im just busy with life at the moment

i only added the outfit to match y/n's personality and style- to give you, y/n a little boost. but whatever

just tell me what do you prefer

me choosing an outfit with a person wearing them

me choosing an outfit but only showing the outfit

or you imagine the outfit and i say 'you picked an outfit of your choice'


ps: the next chapter is coming soon💕

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