Sick Days, Lets fight

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Artwork is not mine

*Captain Marvel is sick and everyone wants to help. Oh no someone broke out of jail, where's captain Marvel?*

The sun rises through out Fawcett city and many citizens take it as there sign to go out and start the day. If you pass through Fawcett in the early morning you could often see citizens smiling or children running off to school. As bells of a new day ring in the city of Fawcett, our hero has yet to be seen by civilians. Which brings us to a small 12 year old getting up.

Adjusting his eyes to the bright sun young Billy Batson groaned awakening from his slumber. "Is it really......morning already?" Yawning in between his sentence the boy checks the time, widening his eyes in realization. I'm gonna be late to the meeting! Not again! Rushing out of bed making the boy suddenly feel a wave of nauseous hit him. Groaning and pushing through the wobblyness he gets ready.

Quickly as he could Billy reaches the fire exit on the top floor leading to the roof. Opening the door only to slam it shut and yell, "SHAZAM!" Lighting striking, the new hero appears in place of Billy, Captain Marvel. "Best to be making my way over there before I get myself in any more trouble."


"Your earlier then usual, Marvel." Said the hero, Batman. "Ya sorry  sir, won't let it hap- Wait early! Really?!" I guess I need to fix my clock later today. As quickly as the thought came it disappeared with the distraction of Batman talking. "Since your early go and set up the conference room to kill some time." Muttering and turning to go "But this time. Don't break anything." Batman says putting more emotion on the ending sentence. Swallowing quickly "YES SIR BATMAN SIR!" turning around and heading for the conference room, Marvel starts to recall the last time he broke something helping out.

"Man it was one time, sure what I broke was a super expensive vase but hey it was his fault for leaving me unsupervised. Ya totally not my fault it's his." Muttering and complaining Cap finished setting up the conference room just in time for  hero's start to arriving one by one.

"For todays meeting we will be discussing performance issues, monthly reports, and the other small issue of running around the headquarters for the fun of games." Batman starts to stare down at Flash, Cyborg, Green lantern, and Captain Marvel directly while finishing his thoughts of the meetings topic.

Great now a lecture about how you need to 'act your age'. I am. It's not my fault that I'm 12. Wait speaking of which how long is this going to be? I'm bored.

"Marvel you could do a better job on communication. For example when you get an idea for a plan don't just rush in at full force at least tell someone your plan so they can tell the rest of us. As well as using your comms in emergencies, your lucky Superman was watching the news and told us about your battle this month." As Cap snapped back into the conversation, head spinning around throbbing he soon realized that everyone is starring at him waiting to respond. " Oh ya sorry. I'll work on it for sure. And as for using my comm wellll, I kinda broke it a while ago so I can't really do that." Sheepishly Marvel stares at the table scratching his neck slightly. " Alright Cyborg will get you a new comm. In the meantime you will be on cooking duty this week." Mumbling Batman finishes and moves on to talk with Flash. Relieved it wasn't worse Marvel sighs and sinks into his chair a little, drifting off to daydream again, head still spinning he brushes it off as a headache.


"Pssst! You ok dude? You look pale. You should go home after this. I'll cover your shifts. " Cyborg whispers to Cap getting the attention of league members who are waiting to go. "What no! Of course not! I'm earths mightiest mortal I don't get sick." Chuckling softly as his vision slowly goes in and out. Cap finishing his protests glances around to notice cyborg and a few others have a concerned look in there eyes.

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