Zingy Zapper Lessons

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The sun was rising over the Rainbow Kingdom. Zee was fast asleep in bed. He was spread out, while still under the covers.

Meanwhile, Zed and Zen were in the kitchen. Zen was making breakfast. Zed got up from the table.

"Hey honey, I'm gonna go wake up Zeester." He said

"Alright." said Zen

Zed walked over to Zee's room (which was more like an area for him, as The Wishing Tree was open).

Anyway, Zed walked up to Zee's bed, and sat on it.

"Yooohooo. Zeester. Time to get up buddy." Zed said quietly

"Nuh uh! Five more minutes!" said Zee

"Moms making eggs and bacoooon!" said Zed

"Oooh, ok. I'll get up!" said Zee

"Want me to carry you?" asked Zed


Zed picked Zee up out of bed.

"OH GOSH YOU'RE HEAVY! You been eating rocks or something!?" Zed asked

Zee just lazily rested his head on Zed's shoulder as he carried him to the kitchen.

"Dad?" Zee asked groggily

"Yeah buddy?"

"I gotta pee."

"Hehe, ok. Go on then." Zed said putting Zee down. Zee walked into the bathroom and did his business. Then he walked out and was again picked up by Zed and brought to the kitchen.

"yawn* "Morning mom." Zee said slightly more awake.

"Morning honey. Ready for breakfast?" asked Zen

"Oh yeah! I'm totally ready!"

Zen chuckled

"Alrighty then. Here you go!"

Zen puts a plate down in front of him, and Zee begins eating.

"So uh Zee." said Zed "I was thinking. How would you like it if I taught you more Zingy Zapper spells today?"

"Sure. That'd be awesome!" said Zee

"Alright then. After breakfast, we'll go out and practice."

They finished breakfast, then Zee changed out of his green pajamas and into his white robes. Then, after saying goodbye to Zen, and after Zee grabbed his Zingy Zapper and Zed his Zingy Zipper, they were off.

"So where are we going dad?" Zee asked

"Well, we're going to the same place my dad and your grandpa taught me about my Zingy Zapper when I was your age." said Zed

"Oh. Is he..." Zee asked

"Sadly, yes. But he would've loved you Zee!"

"I bet he would." said Zee

Zee noticed True walking not far away from them with Bartleby and Courage.

"Look dad, it's True! Hi True!" called Zee running up

"Oh hi Zee!" said True "Daddy is taking me and Bee to see a movie! What are you doing?"

"Dad is taking me somewhere to teach me new Zingy Zapper spells." said Zee

"Well if I know anything, learning something new, like Kitty Natti, isn't usually easy." said Bartleby

"Yeah, things like that can be pretty hard!" added True

"Thanks for the advice guys, but I think I'll be alright." said Zee

"Come on True." said Courage "We gotta get going if we wanna make it to the movies on time."

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