Sorry, Maknae.

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Requested by mehreatlsse

The members shared a lot of things, but one thing they had always been hesitant to share were their personal items, such as their phones or laptops. Mainly because their laptops all had projects on them and they couldn't risk another member accidentally messing them up.

Which is exactly why when Jungkook kept asking Namjoon to use his laptop for one of his games, Namjoon repeatedly told him no.

"I have a lot of projects to work on, I can't have anyone using it right now," Namjoon informed his maknae.

"What about later?"

"I said no, Jungkook. Once I'm done with my projects in a few days, then you'll have free reign of the games on here, just wait a bit, okay?"

"Fine," Jungkook said pouting and turning out of Namjoon's room. He headed down the stairs and met up with his other hyungs in the living room. Some of them were on their phones and some were playing games together on the floor.

"What's your issue?" Jimin asked his maknae. He could tell Jungkook seemed to be in a bit of a bad mood.

"Nothing. I'm just bored."

"Want to play with me and Hobi hyung?" Jimin gestured to a card game they were playing.

"No," Jungkook crossed his arms before laying back on the couch and playing with his phone.

A few hours later the members decided to go outside and start a fire to sit around and chat. Jungkook decided this would be the perfect opportunity to go inside and play with his hyungs laptop. He told the members he didn't feel like being outside and retreated upstairs into Namjoon's room. He figured they'd be outside for a while so he'd just hang out in the living room and play for a bit and then put the laptop back. Namjoon hyung will never even know.

Once he grabbed his hyungs laptop off his bed he began to make his way to the living room. In his excitement for the game he was finally going to get to play he was skipping down the stairs when he missed a step, sending both him and Namjoon's laptop crashing down to the bottom of the staircase. Jungkook immediately grabbed his ankle which was shooting with pain.

"Ahhh!" he screamed out loud. He then noticed his right thumb was throbbing badly too, looking at it, it was clearly sprained or broken, he didn't know. It was swelling and turning purple and blue. He looked at his ankle which was the exact same color. He tried to take deep breaths as he fought through the pain. Before he had the chance to get up, his hyungs came running in, "What happened?" Jin asked. All of his hyungs eyes immediately fell on the laptop.

"Is that mine?!" Namjoon screamed, leaning down to pick it up.

"Hyung I was just-" Jungkook started, but Namjoon cut him off, "What the hell Jungkook! I told you you couldn't use this! Look at it! It's broken!" Namjoon held it up and the laptop was in two pieces, with the screen completely shattered.

"Namjoonie hyung I-"

"Why didn't you listen to me?! I told you I have projects due in a couple days, now how the hell am I supposed to get any work done?! What am I supposed to do?! This shit took me weeks!"

The rest of the members were equally as angry. They all began scolding Jungkook, who still hadn't even gotten up from the floor and was still trying to hold his thumb and ankle, but everyone was more concerned about Namjoon's laptop to ask the maknae if he was okay.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" Jungkook cried as he finally stood up, favoring his other leg to stand.

"Just leave me alone! Go away!" Namjoon spat before taking his laptop and disappearing up into his room with it. The members glared at their maknae angrily before agreeing that Jungkook should go to his room for now. They all turned and went back outside while Jungkook limped his way to his bed. He threw himself onto his bed and cried. His thumb and ankle were hurting worse and worse and now his ankle was pretty swollen along with his thumb. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to say anything to his hyungs because they were all angry with him and he felt like enough of a burden already. He lay there clutching his ankle and cradling his thumb. That's all he felt he could do.

Sorry, Maknae. [Jungkook Hurtfic]Where stories live. Discover now