1. Beggining

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The series revolves around four female police officers who work at a Mahila Police Station which consists of S.H.O. Haseena Mallik,
S.I. Karishma Singh,
Head Constable Pushpa Singh, Constable Santosh Sharma,
and Constable Cheetah Chaturvedi. They are helped by a prisoner-turned-spy Billu Champat. Karishma Singh is short-tempered while Haseena Mallik is emotional in solving cases which sometimes creates a conflict between them.
Despite their differences, they truly respect each other.

Set in Lucknow the show is based in one such all-women Police station made by 4 beautiful quirky women.
Pushpa, the oldest of them, is the head constable who tries to balance her life between home and work.
Karishma, the Sub Inspector, is fish out of the water as she is at loggerheads with the philosophy of the police station. She beats before she talks but now she has to solve all cases through reconciliation.

Santosh Sharma is a young new recruit and a typical lonely girl in the city.
The head of the pack is S.H.O Haseena Mallik, witty, romantic leads by example.

The common challenge for all these women is to bring sensitivity to their policing while dealing with cases that come to this police station. Hence their solution is most unusual.

The characters and the cases add to the fun and humour of the show. While Pushpa and Karishma are the saas-bahu duo, who keep us entertained by their Squabbles, it is Haseena - Karishma's ideological differences which add to the drama and comedy.


Coming to point

Karishma comes before a group of men who were the people from cheif protection of culture Committee named angad who are harassing innocent boys and girls in the park.
Infuriated, she teaches them a lesson.
The incident goes viral on social media and Haseena gets irked by this. An irritated Karishma hands over her transfer papers to Haseena who gets shocked by this.

Karishma POV :
I was getting late for my duty because of my saas and she always makes me late and blames me.
" Are you coming or shall I leave?! "

" Yah coming, all the house work I have
To do even though I have a daughter in law My Lalla's luck only broke an-"
She came blabbering outside.

"Yes I am the reason right" said cutting her sarcastically.

"Pushpa ji did you forget if made a order in higher department you will directly reach in a police station located near a forest so better know before saying to whom you are talking with"

"Yes I know I know I am talking to Karishma Singh lady dabang" she said

Pushpa POV :
She started bike in speed
Oh my I will flew away now such a high speed

Pushpa POV :She started bike in speed Oh my I will flew away now such a high speed

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Author POV:
Few mins later after pushpa told
"Arree stop stop...."
While stopping the bike pushpa accidentally fell on karishma

"Yah What are u doing Pushpa ji!"
exclaimed karishma

While Pushpa got up from the seat panting hardly and her hairs were like a ghost.

"What ur asking me, see the way ur are driving a bike like an aeroplane"

"What is was driving prop-"

"We are going for petroling not for a race or are we chasing anyone, huh!
Why u want that I should reach heaven way before!, Why are you taking someone's anger out on me??!
What is my age now, what have I seen in my life!" said pushpa

"Stop being so melodramatic!

I'm glad,
I applied for a transfer.

I don't want to stay in a place where goons like Angad rule and officers like Ms. Haseena just watch the spectacle.

I cannot live like a coward.

I feel suffocated in such environment.

I cannot tell you

how helpless I feel! " said karishma

how helpless I feel! " said karishma

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" You've misunderstood Ms. Haseena.

She's the station house officer.

She has to be mindful about every decision she takes.

If she takes a decision in haste
the police station will get shut down.

You don't understand! " said pushpa

"I don't want to be understood nor do I want to understand. " said karishma

Next in part 2


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