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Today was my first day at a new school, I mean changing schools mid semester sucked and I could only hope that there would be a lot of dumb jocks and preppy girls who would bulky me this time.
Both my parents found better jobs so we moved and I could have stayed in my old school but I couldn't deal with everyone's bullshit anymore.
Also my room has never looked more bland , I didn't have time to put up my posters or paint my walls. Nothin! But I guess I could live with it for now, at least until I get the chance to change that.
I quickly brushed my teeth and hair seeing as I was late. Woo go me!
I didn't go overboard with makeup or the outfit wanting to get a somewhat decent impression on everyone. Yknow I don't feel like getting bullied today.

( That's the outfit, if you don't like it you're free to imagine anything else =) )I snatch my bag off the floor and head outside, thankfully the school was pretty close so I didnt have to walk that long

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( That's the outfit, if you don't like it you're free to imagine anything else =) )
I snatch my bag off the floor and head outside, thankfully the school was pretty close so I didnt have to walk that long.
I got to the school and there was no one in the hallways so I took out my schedule and saw that my first class was english I took off down the hallway looking for the right classroom. When I found it I ran in , I was breathing heavily since I put everything in me to get there on time , or at least actually get there before the class ends? " Ah miss Y/l/n glad to see you, care to introduce yourself?" The teacher asked. I had my hands on my knees and I just put one finger up indicating I needed a minute. I got my composure and scanned the classroom first,there was a guy with long hair that seemed pretty interested in what was going on with me right now. "Alright, hi my names Y/n uh I like metal music and painting. I also play the drums! That's pretty cool and my favourite colour is red" ( sorry if its not ur favourite colour you can just say something else).

Alright thank you , you can go sit next to Hunter" the teacher said. I looked at the teacher then the class, thankfully the guy I assume is Hunter raised his hand. I looked at the teacher again to make sure that's where I'll be sitting and she just nodded. I nod and speed walk to my seat, not wanting any more attention
10 minutes into class I decide to bother Hunter. I took a small sticky note out of my pencil case and wrote 'hi c:' on it. Yknow nothing much nice and simple. I poke him with a pencil a couple of times before he looks at me, with a look that says 'what do you want?' I just hand him the sticky note and he reads it, but doesn't do anything he just continues listening to the teacher. "Rude" I mutter under my breath. Didn't seem like he noticed which is good, so I just listened to the rest of the lesson.
( skip to lunch bcuz who likes class?)
It was now lunch time , finally! I went to my locker and got my headphones, before closing my locker I thought of ways to decorate it make it more me in a way. I closed the locker put my headphones on and blasted custer by slipknot ( again you can say anything but for some reason I've been obsessing over the song ). I walked into the cafeteria and decided not to eat anything, I mean I wasn't really hungry so there was no need. I saw this guy with glasses and Hunter sitting opposite of him so I went over to them. " Eyo" I said sitting down next to Hunter leaving space between us not trying to make it awkward , I turn to the guy with glasses " I dont think I've see you yet, what's your name?" I asked tilting my head a bit " Oh uh my names Kevin , what about you?" He asked " Nice name Kev, can I call you that? Actually no its kinda stupid. Anyway my names Y/n I was in english class with Hunter, I'm assuming you guys are friends?"
" Yes yea were friends, do you listen to slipknot?" Kevin asked
I just took my headphones from around my neck and put them on him. His eyes went wide for a second before he adjusted to the loud sound. He handed my headphones back " Soo you listen to more metal bands?" Kevin asked
" Yea uh I can name some but probably not all, I do have a playlist on spotify which is like 5 hours long about 60 songs and I could have added more."
Hunter suddenly decided to speak " You said you played the drums right? " he asked
"Oh I didn't think you'd actually talk to me at all, but yea I do play the drums. Me and my friends have a mini band nothing serious tho" I said shrugging my shoulders.
Kevins eyes seemed to fill with awe " Could I hear you play?!" He asked with excitement " Sure, is there a music room somewhere here or should we go to my place after school?"
" There is a music room and I have drums there"kevin said
" Me and Kevin are also in a band" Hunter said , sounding kinda annoyed
" Uh alright sorry if I offended you at any point. Am I bothering you?" I asked Hunter " Yes actually you are" he said getting more annoyed " Shit dude alright , sorry if I did anything wrong really didn't mean to I'll leave you two alone now" I said my head hanging a bit lower than usual " wait before I go, here " I write my number on a small piece of paper and give it to Kevin " See ya" I say waving
Kevins p.o.v.
" Dude why did you say that? She did nothing wrong! Why'd you have to do that?" I asked Hunter " She's definitely a poser and she was starting to annoy me. I mean she can't seem to shut up and keeps apologizing." I sighed and opened the piece of paper Y/n gave me, it was her number, but before I could put it in my pocket Hunter took it " Are you really gonna talk to her?" He asked " Yea, actually I will. I don't understand why you hate her so much already but I think she's really nice so I will talk to her. Got a problem?" I said. Hunter stayed quiet before just saying " no,not at all" and he left the table ' what's his problem today?' I thought
That's it for the first chapter, hope you liked it. Ill update again soon < 3

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