1 ( hyper )

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Memories... mine aren't so great. 
But, I miss them from when younger .

The day of the blow up .

It was just me powder, mylo, clagger, and vi .
That day they were so eager to go out on their mission.
I was the youngest being a year younger than powder.

" cmon powder! " vi yelled out to powder who also was getting ready to leave with them .

" why can't I comeee ? " I whined hugging powder
" I'm sorry clay! I tried to convince them to let you go too! They won't let you come .."
Powder apologized .

Powder and me where always so close considering our age, but to us we were like sisters .

" awweee I wanted to go so bad! "
I threw my hands in the air.

I went to my bed and pouted annoyed that they didn't see me as a older kid like powder.

I watched as powder messed with her bomb before leaving.

As I grew with vi and powder being I was found in the war and my parents left me for dead I grew up with them.
Powder always taught me how to make things.

"BYE CLAYYYY BE GOOD! " vi yelled out to me closing the door and seeking out to wherever.

I laid on my bed bored and a bit tired ,but decided to go get a drink.

" hey clay want a drink? " vander asked as I tried to get up on the chair trying to climb up , then helped up by vander on the chair.
" yes please !" I smiled and waited for the whip cream he'd always add to the very top of my milkshake with a straw.
" where are the others at? " vander questioned me "they went out and said I couldn't go because I'm not old enough.."

I always thought vander was so cool and amazing. He had done nothing ,but he a good father figure to me and the others and I wished I got to thank him for that.

A few hours went by and I sat in my room trying to figure out how to make a smaller bomb almost like powder's.
The door opened and all the others came in looking shocked and angered .

"I can't believe you lost the bag! "
Mylo flapped on the couch next to me as I got up

"What happened?" I asked them all
"JINX is what happened!" Mylo shouted to me clearly mad over something.
" don't call her that mylo !" I walked up to him
" or what?" He replied to me .
I reached my hand up to him with a smirk on my face and pulled his hair .
" OW CLAY! " he complained and I walked back over to a sad faced powder.
"What's wrong? I sat by her
" I lost all the stuff we got from the house, we got into a fight on the way , and bombed a house! " she yelled frustrated
I just scoot over next to her and give her a hug . 
She just melts right into it hugging back as vander comes in.

"Everyone alright?"
He asks them
" never better " mylo sighs
" good I don't suppose you can explain why it is That I'm hearing of an explosion and a foot chase topside?"
He walks to around us near vi now
" four children fleeing the scene "
He pats the couch
Then stops Next to vi .

"What the hell where you thinking ?" He looks to Vi.
"That we can handle a real job. " she bites back at Vander making me sink back in my seat
" a real job?-"
"We got our own tip, planned a route, nobody even saw." She looks to him
" you blew up a building "
" that wasn't -"
"Did you even stop to think about what could have happened to you? Eh? To them?"  he points to them
He started to yell
Vander asked where we even heard about this.
"We just heard it at benzo's shop "
Powder speaks up.

"From?" Vander questions again
Powder looks to me shaking my head 'no'
Then to Vander " little man"

Vi gets up and starts to blame herself for what happened .
I sighed and get up from the room. The others following a few seconds after me after vander told them to.

Mylo starts to listen through the door while me a clagger just sit on the stairs.
He speaks to them and gives clagger a bag filled with stuff.
Starting to leave "wait I wanna go to!" I wave to them following them .

We walk to benzo's shop.
Vander tells us to say out in front a few seconds later ekko walks out to us.
" clagger! Clay! " he says to us
" hey little man!" Clagger laughs to him
I just shyly wave to him
"I was hoping you were here " clagger started on ,but I didn't play attention and looked around to the area we were in seeing anything that may move around.

I could feel were watched.
Enforcers started to walk to us I pulled clagger and we ran off .
We came back and saw mylo on the couch.
I sighed and pat him on the shoulder and went to my bed closing my eyes for rest.

Nightmares are something I always remember I got scared to sleep after I lost my parents or anyone else important to me.


(Heyyy I just wanted to say I didn't do everything the way they said it but I didn't it the way I remember as if a actual memory)

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