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Frankie's pov

I woke up to the soft but bitter sent of coffee in the air. The sun beating down from my cracked window blinds. I sat up and saw a cup of coffee next to me on my nightstand.

My mom stood in the open doorway smiling,"Good job on getting into University of California! In santa Cruz, too!" she smiled and held up a sweatshirt with the santa cruz logo sewed onto it. 

I yawned and gave a slight smile as I took a sip of my coffee,"California is pretty far from Flordia, Mom. Are you -aaaaagghhugh....sure I can go?"

"Yes of course! I wish you only the best of luck, Frankie! But, you better get moving with the rest of your stuff. I packed most of it but only the important things." She pointed to the window where I heard a running car,"You're plane is off in about 2 hours, get up and movin!"

I jumped out of bed in shock and got ready, I took a shower, got dressed, ate food, brushed teeth, and packed the rest of my wanted things. I looked back at my room with a full suitcase in hand. It was so empty, I'd feel bad if I didn't call mom about 3 times a week. She'd be alone.

I heard her yell for me,"Frankie! Joseul is here to say goodbye!" I ran outside to find my childhood friend standing in the driveway. She ran up to me and squeezed me as hard as she could,"Hey, text me as soon as you get on and off the plane! I'll spam you!" I laughed and hugged her back,"thanks Josy, I'll miss you,  but I'll facetime you whenever i can!" she scoffed andhit the back of my head,"Sure, we all know you forget more than me about, well, everything."

Joseul is a year younger than me, so she has one more year of highschool, she's planning on going to the same college as her sister, which is here in Flordia. I will miss my home town, but I think a new invierment will help me cope. 

"FRANKIE. WE GOTTA GO." my mom yelled. I side hugged Joseul one last time and got in the car, placing the suitcase next to me. I waved goodbye to her as we drove off to the airport.

------time skip-----

I was on the plane, ready to take off. Mom cried as I hugged her for what she thought was the last time, as she should. I would feel the same way if I were a parent. But, anyways, I was just getting my headphones on when we got in the air, I turned on some music and watch Netflix for the time there. I talked to Josy about everything I saw and sent her pictures. Thankfully, no one was sitting next to me. 

Josy fell asleep while we were talking. So I looked out the window, It was sun setting already. In Flordia it would be 10:38 right now, but in California it was 8:38. I watched my time zone change on my phone as we traveled above the clouds.

-------another time skip-------

I was off the plane, and in a cab to my new college campus. Most of the stuff for set ups were online, but I was going to my dorm for the first time. When I arrived on campus, a lot of people were walking around doing their things, I felt kinda homesick. Hopefully this feeling will subside once I make a friend or set up my dorm room.

The whole place was so huge I thought I'd get lost. But, hopefully, I stay in one area of the buildings. I saw a line of students with poeple with signs saying years. There was a man with the sign,"NEWBIES" written on it. I trotted to the line and waited for something to happen.

The man told us to follow him and showed us around the college, mostly the dormatories. I already new my dorm but waited for the people to help me find it. Once I got there, it was down a big hallway with other students, mostly men, finding their dorms, I only hoped for a nice roommate.

I got my key and room number. I opened the door to see two beds across the room from eachother, a big window with curtains, and 2 closets for each of us. I was kinda glad there was only 2 of us, more than 2 might've made me overwhelmed.

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