24. A Quick Learner

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          "Keep your weight in your heels," Feytan ordered me as I was slowly bending my knees for the exercise he'd given me. For today's training, we were focusing on my legs. "Don't let your knees track past your toes." Feytan kept giving me pointers, making me readjust my posture every few seconds. The exercises looked easy when I saw Feytan or the other training wolves perform them, but when I tried them myself, my own body seemed to fail at even the easiest of exercises.

          But Feytan seemed to see it differently, since he kept praising me about how well I was adapting and how fast he told me I was learning. I felt slightly insulted and complimented at the same time at his surprise about my performance.

          I threw every inch of myself into this training, to keep my mind from straying to thoughts about Lotta. I felt worried about her. I didn't know when she'd return or if she would even return. I assumed she'd been called away for this secret mission to avenge Willis. But Fire Moon was dangerous territory, and I didn't dare to think about Lotta being there.

          Luckily, Feytan was wearing me out and didn't give me the slightest opportunity to think about anything other than the acidification that was building up in my legs and my buttocks. My legs were trembling every time I had to push myself back up, and the more exercises I had to do, the more sure I became that I wouldn't be able to get back up.

          To my surprise, I was able to finish all of them. I fell to the ground once or twice, but I quickly recovered, got back up and continued with the exercise. I hadn't even taken the effort to dust off my trousers, which earned me a respectful nod of Feytan, accompanied by a small smile he tried his best to hide.

          "Well, look at you killing it," Jerr suddenly said. My head turned to the source of the sound, and I saw him standing at the edge of the clearing, leaning against a wall of a small building that adjoined our training place. His brown waves were ruffled away from his face, allowing the slight sharpness of his jaws even more to be noticed. I had been too consumed in myself I hadn't even noticed Jerr had joined the clearing. How long had he been standing there?

          "I didn't know I had any spectators," I shot at him.

          He threw his hands up, shrugging his shoulders. "What can I say, maybe I like looking at you."

          "I'm sure you do," I sniped. I heard Feytan snickering behind me.

          Jerr winked at me before he addressed Feytan, who had gone to get some water flasks for us. "Aven wanted me to come check how Sari's progressing."

          Feytan handed me my water, and I almost drank it in one go. "She's doing good. She's a quick learner."

          "Wonderful," Jerr mused and he looked at me with flickering, green eyes. I rolled my eyes at him. Bloody Wise Moon. "Is her training finished?" He asked Feytan.

          Feytan nodded in response. "We are done for today."

          "Perfect," he smiled, turning to me. "I want to show you something."


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