My New Life

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Stretching my stiff body, I sigh, just another boring day.

When I moved to the small, beachside town of Elwood nearly three months ago, I had big plans. Yet, here I am, just going through the motions. Every day is the same, I get up, go to work in the town's dingey little café, then go home and go to sleep. This was not my plan! I didn't move three hours away from my family and friends just to wind up in this boring life. It's no different than the life I left behind. I moved far enough away that no one would be likely to visit without calling first. I moved here to explore what my friends and family would never accept. I wanted to explore the dark side of my sexuality without the judgement of anyone I know.

I thought that within weeks, I would become more submissive, give into my darkest dreams. Find acceptance, and that just maybe, I would find a Dom who would fulfill my submissive soul.

Three months later, the bravest I have been is using my vibrator without the television turned up to drown out the sound.

I get up and dress for work -- the same boring black t shirt paired with the same boring black jeans and finished off with the same boring black shoes. I tie my long chestnut brown hair up in the same ponytail I wear every day, contemplate putting on some make up but decide against it. Who would I impress in that stupid cafe anyway, there is no point to getting all dressed up. I grab a muesli bar on my way out the door.

I live on the 3rd floor of a small apartment building. The apartments are quite nice for the price, with plenty of large windows, a decent size living space and a bedroom with a small ensuite. However, the building itself has not been well maintained and the building manager is never around. It's common knowledge that if there was an issue with your apartment or services, just fix it yourself unless you don't mind months of ignored emails or vague replies until the building manager finds the cheapest trade possible to come and patch up the issue. The stairwell is always dirty and the small garden is always dead, but the price was $500 a month cheaper than anywhere else in this town so I could just scrape together the rent with my little cafe paychecks.

The walk to work only takes about 10 minutes. It was always a nice way to start the day, walking along the beach while the sun is still low and not many people are around.

Most of my shift at work went along the same as every other day. Make some coffee, smile at the regular old men who always came in for a chat, blow off the request for a date with Sam (the goofy but strangely good looking barista I worked with who had set his sights on me from my first shift), then clean up the shop before heading home.

While deep cleaning the coffee machine, Sam asked me if something was wrong, as I seemed more distant today.

"It's nothing, I'm fine. I just thought my life would've changed more since moving here."

"What do you want to change?" he asked, seeming genuinely concerned for me.

"Oh it doesn't matter, this just isn't how I envisioned it'd be."

"Well you don't need to tell me what you mean, but I find writing down what I want so I can actually see it helps me when I'm stuck. Then I can I guess tackle it like a to do list and make small steps forward"

"Yeah, thanks Sam. See you tomorrow."

I leave him to lock up the cafe and begin my walk home. I mulled over what Sam had said. What if I wrote a list, putting on it every little fantasy I had hoped to achieve and start ticking things off it. I could start slowly with some easy things to get myself motivated and then get more and more daring and adventurous until I was finally living the life I had hoped this town would give me.

My New Life. A femdom storyWhere stories live. Discover now