First and Foremost

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Hello to anyone who is reading this, and welcome. I'm so happy to be back on Wattpad, it has been a long time since I've last visited. And I know that I've promised to post something for a long time, but I never got around to it. But things have changed.

A lot of things have changed actually. I've become a more mature person, writer and thinker since I have started this account (You can tell by the lack of emoticons and LOLs). A lot of you have been with me since then and like that style. If it's too different for you, I'm so sorry. Things have happened, life has changed and I have grown up, like we all have to do in life. Don't feel forced to read it though, I understand if you don't like this style of writing, I totally understand.

You see, when people say that high school changes you, they mean it. But not actualy high school though, just life around it. You grow up, you realize things about the world and you grow as a person.

I've become calmer, but not.

I've become smarter, but not.

I've become more mature, but not by choice.

So I hope I won't see too many negative comments based on the drastic writing style change.. I don't think I will be writing anymore things like "Brace Face". Brace Face was a part of my life that I will never forget, but I've moved on. Something in my mind has shifted since then, and it can't be shifted back. I'm still debating on whether I should keep the stories up or not.

You can't force a flower back into the soil. Once it's germinated, it's out in the open for good.

I hope you will enjoy the things that I write about nonetheless, whether you have been with me since the beginning or have just started reading my works.

SO. Update on my life.

I am now in Grade 12 (Senior year), have applied to universities and waiting on one more acceptance letter before deciding where I want to go spend 6 more years of my life.

I have been with my boyfriend for nearly 2 years, things are great.

My family and I get along, that's quite swell.

And I still write. But for me, in my little journal that I have beside me right now.

But now anymore.

What will I write about?

Anything that pops into my mind. I already have a few ideas already. What this book will be about is basically observations about life, thoughts I've had, experiences that have happened to me and more. Some will just come directly from my brain and into the computer, and some have been sitting in my journal for years.

So why am I writing again, after nearly 2 years of being absent you ask?

For myself, for my readers, for anyone who cares.

As a teenager, I know that I seek for relatability, for someone whom I can relate to and that they can understand what I'm going through.

I have yet to find someone like that, but I hope to possibly be that person for my readers. And this also helps me just rant about things and just do whatever I want for a little bit. And I like it.

I must warn you though, not everything will be peachy and perfect.. Some topics that I write about will be mature, and not for everyone. You've been warned 8)

So, let's dive right into it, shall we?

Feel free to comment or anything you would like, I would love to hear what you have to say.. It means the world to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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