"RAFE! Just stop and listen to me, Its over!" You yelled, yanking your wrist away from your ex's grip. He stood there looking heart broken and dumbfounded with tears building up in his bright but now broken eyes. Rafe had nothing to say at first...his world had gone black and numb while his ears rang and blocked out everything else around him.
It was over...just that quick. Two years of dates, family events, birthdays, holidays, spring and summer breaks spent together. Not even to mention the ones before Rafe confessed he had feelings for you.
Sophomore year at UNC was about to start for Rafe and your freshman year at Clemson was creeping up... you would be 8 hours away from home. The long distance relationship was too much for you these pasts semesters during your senior year. How would it hold up your freshman year of college?
The thought of college starting next week had become anxiety inducing in the past few weeks. Worrying about packing everything you would need for 6 months, being so far from home, learning a new environment other than the OBX. It was scary for an 18 year old to figure out a new world.
"Rafe I didn't mean to shout..I.." You stopped, wanting to reach out for his hand but stopping yourself in the process. "No...I get it. You...uh...y'got your point across. Im sorry I wasn't listening to you the first time." He responded, sitting on the bench at the end of your bed. Rafe couldn't count how many times he sat here either waiting for you to get ready for a date or a party or even hiding out in your room to surprise you when he was home from UNC.
"It was hard enough to go on in the relationship during senior year...I cant imagine what it would be like with us both in college and one of us...eight..." Rafe interrupted, wiping a tear from his cheek as he spoke. "Eight hours away from home and a little over four from Chapel Hill. Yeah. I get it hun." Rafe spoke lowly...now the tears were falling down your face.
"I mean Im obviously still going to need you Rafe...Who's gonna pull me off the bar after Clemson kicks Tar Heel ass this season?" You couldnt help but to give a heart broken laugh, as you took a seat beside your now ex beau, and neither could Rafe. "You wish. Your quarterback is ass" He teased back, wrapping his arms around your waist.
The next few minutes were quiet except for the few sniffles coming from you two. "So this is it? We're done?" Rafe spoke quietly, unable to look away from his shoes. Your head slowly shook no while trying to find the right words to say. "I dont think we'll ever be done with each other. We just need a break while we navigate a new part of life. That's all. Find out who we are without each other. I mean c'mon, you've been up my ass since birth Cameron." You weakly smiled hoping he'd respond with something snide.
Rafe gave a sarcastic and playful scoff before sucking in a sharp breath. All of a sudden his hands cupped your face, his eyes looking dead in yours. "You are going to kill it at Clemson. I know that. Everyone here knows that. I will be your biggest supporter through everything you do. You know that. You are going to do great things there and when you do come home I better be the first one to get a hug dammit. You are always going to be so important to me no matter what happens after all of this. You will always be my girl. My first real love." Rafe was crying by the time he finished his ramble but so were you so there was no room to judge.
"You're my best friend and I love you forever Rafe" You choked out through the tears. At this point there wasn't much left to say that would do any good. Rafe stood from his spot on the bench, huffing into the air. The few steps he took to the door felt like they were in slow motion. "I love you forever and ever. Be safe and remember to send pictures of you wearing that gaudy orange and purple." Rafe didnt even try to force a smile in your direction, only glancing to the ground before looking back to you with blood shot glassy eyes one last time. The last look for a long while. The final goodbye before you left OBX for something new.
Then thats where it all ended. 2 years of parties, dates, family events, midsummers. Everything under the sun in OBX with your beau Rafe Cameron, was over the minute the knob on the door clicked shut. Maybe one day they would be brought back together for the future they dreamed of in high school but for now those dreams have to be put on hold.
(This may have another part coming, still deciding on what to do)

Final Goodbye
FanfictionGoing away to college was just too much for your relationship to handle right now.