:。・:*:・゚'★,。・ 002

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as the day went on, your classes passed in a blur.

you understood most of the topics they taught today seeing as you had an understanding of them.

then came lunch.


you sat, soul alone at an empty table in the cafeteria, your tray in front of you untouched as you scrolled through instagram.

from across from you, you heard the chairs scraping against the floor. then you looked up to see two boys sitting across from you.

one of them had forest green hair and matching eyes, freckles littered his face.

the other's hair was split; red and white, his eyes were grey and blue.

they were both incredibly handsome, is the conclusion you came too.

"can i help you?" you asked as you arched a brow and put your phone down on the table.

"we saw you in class this morning, we wanted to come and say hi" the half and half said. his voice was monotone and you nodded

"my name is izuku midoriya and he is shoto todoroki, my best friend" the green haired boy introduced and once again you nodded.

of course both their last names were familiar, todoroki's because his father is a world known actor.

midoriya's because at your old school, the boys on the rugby team, claimed 'izuku midoriya is the best at rugby'. they hated to admit it though.

"y/n. y/n l/n" you introduced and midoriya smirked

"weird, but ok" you thought as he and todoroki held eye contact for a few moments.

then todoroki left.

"nice to meet you l/n" midoriya said and you nodded

"so where do you come from" he asked leaning his head in the palm of one of his hands

"shiketsu" you simply replied

"wanna be friends, i could show you a good time" he said, leaning back in his chair

"like what?" you asked.

as he was about to reply, you cut him off.

"magic, madness, heaven or sin?" you asked leaning back in your chair and folding your arms over your chest

he smirked and laughed lowly.

"i saw you from across the room and thought-" he started but paused

"oh my god" you whispered

"look at her, she's gorgeous, prettier than the girls that go here" he said, gesturing to a few of the girls in the crowed room

"you look like you could be my next mistake" you mumbled and he had an amused expression on his face

"love's a game" he said and you laughed

"let's play then pretty boy" you said leaning forward, he mirrored your actions.

then he took his phone out from his back pocket and pushed it towards you.

"put you number in" he said and you nodded, quickly typing in your number and saving it.

you had saved yourself as 'l/n' but he seemed dissatisfied by that so he edited the contact name. to what? you had zero clue.

then he got up and picked up his lunch tray. he held the tray with one hand, and with his unoccupied hand he waved at you and winked, as a teasing smirk made its way onto his face.

"see ya cutie" he said and walked away.


the chapter is actually long y'all omg.

so how'd you like the new chappy? was it nice? do we like ooc izuku midoriya? let me know.

ok hear me out, hear me out... izuku midoriya but he looks like this:

 izuku midoriya but he looks like this:

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i forgot to mention that there is a playlist for this book, the link to my spotify is in my bio, if you want to check it out or DM for the link to the play list and ill give it to you.

also y'all know @tpk12e on tiktok? yeah one of his videos was my inspiration for this whole book.

anyway i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

anyway i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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