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Y/N looked at her sight only to see a dead rotten fish sorry her twin who was sleeping like a dead rotten fish. She quickly pushed him away making him fell down from the bed.

'Ouch! Yaaa! What happened this time?!' Jungkook asked rubbing his shoulder.


'Yah! I am the only pig here! I am pig oink oink!' Jin shouted as he slammed the door open and walked inside.

'Also you two! Stop fighting! It's already late! Here start the day with spoons!' Jin said as he gave two spoons to Jungkook and Y/N and left their room and went to the dining room where he was setting the spoons for everyone. They both looked at each other dumbfounded as they stood up and went to do their morning routines.
'So why did you woke me up this early Hobi hyung?' Jimin asked as he sleepily ate the breakfast.

'Aish. Did you forgot that today Y/N will be shifting to her new partment?' Hoseok said as Jimin made an 'O' face while munching the bread.

'Will you be okay alone?' Jungkook asked as Y/N smiled.

'Don't worry, Jung-hyun oppa is also coming. He will be staying with his girlfriend for a week.' She said.

'How did you know about hyung's girlfriend?!' Jungkook asked.

'Well, oppa told me on our first sibling date.' She said sticking her tongue out.

'Yeah yeah whatever.'

Y/N laughed at her twin's silly sulking face as she finished her breakfast and said, 'I will leave now. I want to finish the out-comer's work quickly so that I can have some time alone for myself or with you guys in the new apartment.'

Everyone bid their byes as Jungkook also stood up. Namjoon and Jimin were the only one who were free. Namjoon's sister also didn't came after she found a spare room on her dorm to stay which was close to her law institute.

The others bid their goodbyes to Namjoon and Jimin and went to their work. Namjoon and Jimin were free and only had work at afternoon. They took a shower and went downstairs to meet Y/N and help her.
'Oppa where should I put this!' Y/N asked as she looked at Jung-hyun.

Jung-hyun looked behind at his sister just to laugh. Y/N's whole face was covered with the books that she carried. The piles of books were so big that she had to put her balance on those by putting her jaw on the top of them making her cheeks go puff.

Y/N huffed at her elder brother's laugh and wanted to turn around when Jung-hyun stopped her. Quickly pulling out his phone he took a picture. Y/N stood their dumbfounded until she realized what happened.

'OPPAAAAAAAAAAAAA DELETE ITTTTTTTTTT!!' She whined as she forcefully pushed the books to a laughing Jimin and marched towards her brother who ran away from her. Jimin lost his balance and fell down on his butt making Namjoon and Hyejin go in to a laughing mess.

Jung-hyun ran to the guest room where the workers were making the bed. They looked at the siblings and then did their jobs again while still looking at the siblings. Y/N tried to take the phone but Jung-hyun was fast enough to ran away from her.

'Aish!' She pouted as Jung-hyun quickly sent the picture to Jungkook and his parents before walking to his sulking sister and hugged her before kissing her forehead.

'Aigo such a baby aren't we huh? Let me at least take a few photos of my baby sis. I wanna put them in my album.' He said.

'Bro get yourself away from me!' She said trying to break the hug.

'Nope i am not doing bro.' Jung-hyun said.

Yes, now there was a trend between these two to call each other bro. They seem to like this trend so much that they would call each other bro every time. Y/N loved how she got along with her elder brother and his girlfriend Hyejin.

Hyejin was only 2 hears older than Y/N. Y/N was beyond happy to finally have a older sister. Hyejin was whom Y/N wanted after she found out about the biggest truth of her life. Her mom was away from her. Even if she had two brothers who loved her more than anything she needed a motherly figure which Hyejin fulfilled.

Y/N met Hyejin just today yet she knew that Hyejin was the best. She decided to steal her brother's girlfriend today and wanted to bond with her. As Jung-hyun already made her mad she decided to throw him out of her apartment for today and make him sleep on her twin's apartment to let her older brother have a taste of her twin's bulldozer like snore.

'Y/N are these books for book shelf?' Namjoon asked as she looked at him.

'No it's my text book. It will be placed in my reading table in my room. Well since the reading table isn't here yet, so give it to me. I will keep those somewhere else.' She said taking those books.
It was already evening. The workers have done their jobs and there was only Y/N, Jung-hyun and Hyejin. Hyejin went to the kitchen and then said, 'Well there is another problem. We don't have any groceries.'

'Well let me go and grab something then.' Jung-hyun said as he wore his jacket and went out.

'Finally it's two of us yes!' Y/N exclaimed as she looked at Hyejin.



'How did you met with Jung-hyun oppa?'

'Uh well, it was because of Jungkook's..............crush........'

Wait what?!


[Fluff imagine]

[So guys, one of the new characters has arrived in this chapter Hyejin! There are few more left to arrive who are the main ones. Also this chapter is only for Hyejin. To introduce Hyejin and some suspension about Jungkook's crush. Hope u will forgive me!:)]

T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now