Chapter 1 Luke's arrival

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Today the brother's were going about their morning as normal having breakfast and talking about what was coming up until they suddenly heard a knock at the door and Lucifer decided to go get knowing it was probably Simeon who said he was coming over real quick but didn't explain why.

And anyway as he got to the door he opened and immediately saw Simeon who didn't look to happy almost disappointed and then saw Luke next to him with his head down looking like a bunch of emotions roll up into one. And with him was holding a suitcase.

Despite this he was also surprised how much Luke grew up the past whatever years it's been at this point. He and everyone else also haven't seen him as often over years because he was busy training with Michael as he got older the more his time was put on training. Yet Simeon had told him there's been times where recently Luke has been reluctant to do anything in the celestial realm and has even caught him sneaking off.

Lucifer then asked wondering why they were here like this.

Lucifer : why are you both here?"

Simeon : ....there was a little problem in the celestial realm.... Luke got in trouble with Michael and as punishment he grounded him... he's not allowed to return to the celestial realm for a year until he learns his lesson....."

Lucifer : what?"

Simeon : personally I think it was way over the line and as why I'm not staying with him I'm hoping to try and get Michael to undo Luke's punishment.... anyway I wanted to ask if you can take care of him during this time? Your the only one I trust the most to"

Lucifer : ... it's no problem at all he'll be fine here"

Simeon : thank you Lucifer."

Simeon then looked at Luke and said

Simeon : everything will be f-!?

Luke just walked away from him passing Lucifer and Simeon immediately looked sad.

Simeon : .....he hates me....."

Lucifer : I'm sure he doesn't. But what else happened what exactly did he do?"

Simeon : I think it's best he tells when he's ready to....."

Lucifer : I understand"

Simeon : I'll call to check up later on him"

After this Simeon left and Lucifer then went to check on where Luke went.

In the living room he saw everyone talking with Luke and saw MC hug him.

MC : my sweet baby boy Luke I've missed you!!"

Luke : Auntie MC I've miss you too. I'm sorry I haven't called you more"

MC : Don't worry about it. Anyway your so tall!  I think almost as tall as Lucifer!"

Lucifer : I wouldn't go that far"

Beel : is he staying over?"

Lucifer : for the time being yes. He got in trouble with Michael and so he was punished and is now not allowed to return to the celestial realm for a year"

Mammon : that's crazy!?"

Belphie : and excessive?"

Lucifer : very much so. Simeon is stay up there so he can try and get Michael to change his mind"

Levi : what did you even do Luke?"

Luke : .....I don't want to talk about it....."

Lucifer : whatever you did can't compare to what we have done so you shouldn't feel bad at all"

Luke :... doesn't make what I did any less worse...."

MC : it's ok you don't have to say anything right now."

Lucifer: anyway let me show you to your room"

Later Luke was laying on his bed looking at the ceiling thinking about what he did. He felt guilty and ashamed for what he did.

And while in thought Barbatos suddenly walked in with a tray of some food he made. And Luke immediately sat up.

Barbatos : I heard about what happened. I thought I would make you your favorite dessert?"

Luke : thank you Barbatos.....but I don't deserve it ...."

Barbatos : nonsense"

Barbatos then walked over and sat the tray down on the desk and then sat down next to him and ask.

Barbatos : you know if there's something you want to talk about I'm always hear to listen?"

Luke : .......I....."

Luke then looked down and Barbatos immediately saw tears falling down Luke's face and soon after Luke started crying. And Barbatos then hugged trying to comfort him. Seeing Luke crying this upset was heartbreaking to see.

Barbatos : please tell me what happened Luke?"

Luke : I....I'm scared....I don't want to fall.....I......I've always tried my best to be a good angel....but what it means to do so doesn't seem angel like at all....."

Barbatos : started questioning? Guessing that couldn't have gone by well"

Luke : just.... doesn't make sense....I know what it means to be a good angel.....but it conflicts with what I've been told and taught.....and what I've been told and taught seems wrong..... everyone looked so ashamed of me disgusted of me.... Michael.......but Simeon ....he looked so disappointed in me .....and I'm scared I failed him and that he hates me....."

Barbatos : no Simeon could never hate you. He's most likely worried for your safety and well-being. "

Luke : I....I got angry....they were talking about the brother's like they were evil monsters....that demons guys are not.....the things they were saying about them.... especially about the war.....was completely different from what I heard them say....they would never lie to me especially Lucifer.... and Simeon....two different stories of that day....but they had a reason yet none of that was mentioned or ever taught....most of what I was taught was lies and...... and Michael....he....he made me so angry...."

Barbatos : you felt betrayed and are questioning things you need answers and nobody was telling you them....and you were defending the brother's which I'm sure they will appreciate even Lucifer"

Luke : you don't understand....I got so mad....I attempted to fight Michael...."

Barbatos : oh.... maybe wasn't the best choice of action. But your punishment was still far too much. And we promise you'll be okay"

Luke : I'm not allowed to go home.... and see my family and friends....who all hate me.... what if they don't even want me anymore? what if they all turned against me?...."

Barbatos : nonsense. You have the biggest heart and loudest voice. You'll do great things and they are lucky to have you. we are lucky to have you. "

Luke : ......I missed everyone so much...but I was never allowed to really go out...I had to work to become more high rank....I wanted to be a great angel like Michael.....but I want to be a greater person like Lucifer......"

Barbatos : awe I'm sure he would love to hear that"

Luke : heh.... would most likely make fun of me...."

Barbatos : don't worry if he does I'll mess up his tea"

Luke : Barbatos!"

Barbatos : I'm joking? I wouldn't dare waste perfectly good tea. Anyway it's nice to see you again everyone is happy to have you here"

Luke : I'm too"

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