Breadwinner and the Loud

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All: ♪When big Larry came round just to put him down, SpongeBob turned into a clown, and no girl ever wants to dance with a fool who went and [Incidental 22 turns around and suddenly, her bottom then rips, splitting open, revealing her white underwear] ripped his pants!♪(Meanwhile a eight-year old SwaySway is navigating the crowd for a good view)SwaySway: Okay, I think this is it. Your own first concert. (bumps into Incidental 42)Incidental 42: Watch it, kid!SwaySway: Sorry about that!Incidental 42: Stupid kid.(SwaySway arrives at the stage in front of the crowd only to bump into a blonde-haired girl)SpongeBob: [singing voice, a crowd begins to gather] ♪I know I shouldn't mope around, I shouldn't curse, but the pain feels so much worse. 'Cause winding up with no one is a lot less fun than a burn from the sun...♪Blonde-Haired Girl: I think this guy knows how to sing, right?SwaySway: Hey, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is SwaySway.Blonde-Haired Girl: SwaySway, right? I'm Leni. Leni Loud.SwaySway: Have you heard his voice? So suave!Leni: I'm recording this for my sister, Luna. Do you have any siblings?SwaySway: None whatsoever.Leni: Do you want to be friends?SwaySway: (blushing) Yeah!Losers: ♪Or sand in your buns!♪ [instrumental break. The loser scrapes the two buns together to make a rhythm then the curtain shows waves crashing about]SpongeBob: ♪Now I learned a lesson I won't soon forget... so listen and you won't regret. Be true to yourself; don't miss your chance... and you won't end up like the fool... who... ripped... his... pants!♪ [the whole group comes together one by one in sync with the music and they rip their pants. By now, a huge crowd has gathered and is cheering the group onstage. A blimp flies by with SpongeBob's name on it. It's revealed that SpongeBob and his band were having a concert.]Sandy: SpongeBob!SpongeBob: Sandy! [she gets onstage and hugs SpongeBob. He returns the embrace]Sandy: Your song is true. If y'all want to be my friend, just be yourself. [Larry walks up]Larry: [impressed with SpongeBob's singing during the big concert] SpongeBob, that was so righteous. [hands SpongeBob a pencil] Would you... sign my pants?SpongeBob: Absolutely, buddy. [SpongeBob bends down to sign Larry's pants.](SwaySway's hat accidentally falls and the duck bends down at the same time Spongebob is about to sign Larry's pants and the boys' pants rip, and they both blush)SwaySway: (whispering) Don't tell my parents.Leni: Okay. I won't.

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