In My Room

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quick note:

hi this is pure smut again. I'll be honest, i mostly ever write smut so i hope u dont mind that.

i know i originally said this'll be 10822 words or something but i got a lil carried away and ended up with more my bad.

this is unnecessarily long (it was an accident i swear) and im not really satisfied with how this story came out (isnt my best work imo) but i decided to publish it anyways.

regardless, i hope you guys enjoy it!

also not properly revised so i apologize for any typos and grammatical errors.

story word count: 13238


It was early into the night, the sun having set only a few hours prior, Nick sitting comfortably in bed, shirtless with grey sweatpants hanging from his hips, phone in his hand. He was scrolling through instagram, Larry sat quietly next to him, focused on whatever it was he was looking at on his own screen.

Isaac had just left that morning, flying back home, leaving his two friends behind in Jersey, supposedly ending their meetup. He texted him not too long ago, letting Nick know of his landing and safe arrival, before resting in his own bed for, hopefully, the rest of the night.

Originally, Larry was supposed to leave two days before Isaac's departure, however, due to unexpected things happening back home, Larry wasn't able to return home just yet and would be staying a few extra days with his friend.

It wasn't like Nick minded. It was actually quite the opposite; he was glad he was able to have a few more days with his friend and be able to spend more time with him before he had to leave back home and return back to their ordinary discord calls, seeing each other just through just a screen.

Although Nick was seemingly closer with Isaac and Larry closer with Tanner, the two had a really nice bond of their own that wasn't obvious. Besides the fact they got along really well, they seemed to understand each other in a way no one else did. Don't get him wrong, sometimes it felt as if Isaac could read his mind and know how he's feeling but this was different.

He appreciated Larry's company and generally liked having him around, his laugh always bringing him a nice warm feeling in his chest, loving the sound and always wanting to hear more. He found himself wanting to make Larry laugh just to hear it. That wasn't weird right?

Nick yawned, pushing his hair up with his hands out of habit, shifting his position on the bed. It wasn't that late but the sky was already quite dark, the sun having disappeared and the cool wind blowing through the small crack in his window cooling down his bedroom.

"Wait don't change this one," spoke up Larry, watching Nick switch through songs on his phone, unable to decide which one he wanted to play, nothing seemingly able to match his mood.

However, Nick kept this song which softly played through the small speaker that sat on his nightstand, Larry smiling at him softly before focusing back on whatever was on his phone. Nick chuckled to himself, finding the boy next to him so cute and endearing, the feeling stirring something within him.

The pair weren't doing much, mostly on their phones switching between social media apps and texting their friends, though, given how late it was, it wasn't too surprising. It also didn't matter. Simply lying in bed and enjoying each other's presence as they did their own thing was enough.

They didn't need to always have deep and meaningful conversations to pass the time, to bond and enjoy each other's presence. Lying next to each other was enough for them, their bond already too strong anyways.

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