chapter 1

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A/N so this is my very first book on Wattpad and I just wanted to let y'all know that you're gonna find alot of mistakes and cringe worthy situations
I just want you to let me know if you like the book.. I'm not asking for votes or anything just comment and if you go all hater on me the I'll go all Freddie Kruger on your ass..
Thanks for giving my book a chance

So my life is an absolute bore. I've always been quiet and pretty much invisible to the world, I was a day dreamer too.
My name is Raphael Simmons and I'm monumentally screwed because I was late for class and my professor is the  terminator in the literal meaning of the word. I quickly dressed up, washed my face only and brushed my teeth.
Don't bust my balls now because I didn't have time to take a shower but that will be arranged after class.
My roommate Amanda had left early because she had an assignment hence the reason as to why I'm late bcz she always dragged my ass out of bed every day and I never got late
Taking my backpack and a pbj that had my name written on it,I locked out apartment and in flash mode made my way down stairs.
Campus was fifteen minutes away from where I stayed and it was 7:50 by the time I hailed a cab. I cannot drive to save my life. The cab driver safely dropped me at the gates when it was 8:01.
I knew professor Antonio was going to have my ass. Running was not my forte but I could jog and that's what I did. Pushing and shoving other students to get out of the way earned me a series of heys and watch it but I didn't care because I knew a harsher punishment awaited me if I got in after my professor.
Getting in class I was surprised by how many people were present and the professor hadn't arrived yet, thank God for that
I looked around and the lecture hall was full of girls who were either fangirling, swooning or taking pictures of a certain someone who was sitting on my seat.
I pushed through the throng of girls until I was standing face to face with Logan freaking Carter. Half Italian half Greek god Logan Carter was sitting on my seat.
"That's my seat." I said awkwardly. Logan looked at me as if I was speaking gibberish.
"You don't own this seat bitch." Stacy Anderson my arch nemesis and also the dean's daughter retorted.
Oh! Did I forget to tell you that Stacy and I went to the same highschool and by some bad luck charm we also ended up in the same Uni. She hated me for absolutely no reason or maybe there is a reason when her boyfriend broke up with her and took me to senior prom.
From then onwards I had been her target eve though it had been a good two and a half years after the incident.
I was about to answer when the professor graced us with his presence and everyone sat down and kept quiet. That was professor Antonio, he commanded respect with his appearance.
"Miss Simmons do you mind?" I was snapped out of my trance when I noticed I was the only one standing.
I hated attention and that's exactly what I was getting when the professor called me out. My second best friend and also my course mate Claire martins called me over to where she was sitting since our seats were now occupied by Logan and Stacy.
The professor didn't take notice the extra people in his class and if he did he didn't mention it and just went on with teaching about landscaping.
Class went on normally and by the time the lesson was over I had written nothing down due to the fact that girls kept telling me to bend so they can look at Logan's perfect hair. I mean I knew he is the epitome of deliciousness but damn chill out ladies.
In all the commotion I never stopped to ask myself why Logan was in my class since I had never seen him in here before.
"Alright class that's all for today and tomorrow I only want the students who take this class to be in here. Is that understood?" "Yes professor." We all chorused.
"And Logan Carter see me in my office." He finished before exiting the classroom.

A/N Forgive me for the horrible cover
I'm still working on a new one but if you have any ideas be free to share

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