|~1 Rush and Crash~|

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Nightmare, for the second time in his life felt true regret the moment he gave his boys more candy than usual.

They had gotten back from a long mission and were all exhausted so Nightmare tired to lift their moods up with candy, as much as he loved unhappy emotions he hated that feeling coming from his kids.Fresh and Error had also stopped by, Fresh graciously took the offered candy while Error just stuck with his chocolate bars. He remembered Error saying that giving them too much candy would have consequences but he just brushed it off saying Error was acting like a helicopter parent with Fresh, despite being his brother.

Oh how he wished he listened to Error, cause here he was now chasing his boys around the room, unable to grab them with his tendrils because of them keeping out of his reach or dodging them.

"KILLER GET YOUR BASS IN BACK HERE- DUST YOU BETTER NOT BE ANYWHERE NEAR THE FUNKEN STOVE- WHAT THE HELL!? WHY ARE MY COFFEE MUGS GLEWED TO THE CEILING!?” Nightmare screamed as he stared up at the ceiling, there was at least 15 of his coffee mugs propped upside down that were superglued to the ceiling. His tendrils that were trying to grab his boys all falling loosely behind him.

“FRESH- N-N-N-N-NO! STAND S-S-S-S-STILL AND GIVE M-M-ME THOSE B-BACK JAMMET!” Error suddenly yelled, running past Nightmare in chase of his younger brother who was running away with probably about 50 chocolate bars in his arms.

Fresh’s glasses said RU_N and he had probably the biggest smile Nightmare had ever seen on his face. God Nightmare regretted giving them all so much candy.

“Give me! Give me!” Cross yelled when he saw Fresh run towards them, at the same time Killer screamed “CHOCOLATE!!” both of them making grabby hands, Fresh threw some chocolate bars their way and dashed into the kitchen to give some to Horror and Dust.

Error sent Nightmare a pleading look and the guardian negativity simply pointed upwards.

Error looked up and he practically felt his jaw hit the floor, when this sugar rush was over everyone was totally in for it.

“How the bell did any of you get the funken time to do this?!” Error said, whirling around to point at Cross and Killer who had somehow already gotten themselves covered in chocolate. Nightmare was about to grab them with his tendrils when-

The fire alarm went off.

“DUST WHAT THE FUNK DID I JUST SAY!?” Nightmare yelled as he ran at neck breaking speed into the kitchen where Horror and Fresh were practically vibrating with adrenaline while Dust grabbed a bucket of water and threw it onto the fire on the stove to try and put it out.

It grew.

“WHATTHEFUNKWHATTHEFUNKWHATTHEFUNKWHATTHEFUNK!?!?” Dust screamed in confusion as the fire started spreading onto the countertops. Black smoke started to fill the kitchen and while Nightmare and Error were busy trying to put out the fire and find the fire extinguisher Fresh started making himself a bowl of cereal.

“Hey Horror?” Fresh whisper-yelled as he poured the milk into the bowl, spilling some onto the floor in his rush, Horrors attention was quickly on him and away from the fire. He let out a loud “mhm” to let Fresh know he was listening.

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