puppy love

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Lashes long , dreamy eyes -Forlorn meself basked in butterflies
First attention I could ever attain
Cause teeth braces and glasses
Never made gazes

Hours of talks
Forthright attractions
And forehead rests
Simple nose rubs
Evoked ravenous excitements

Eager to spend
Every walking moment with him
Forgot my brain -in
the rush of my whim

Kisses in the dark
Teeths left the mark
Hands on my body
Skimming on those undy

Euphoria in confusion
Turned to discomfort
And my own derision

Manoeuvred me
Into believing
true love offers body
Without questions or confusion

Slaps and mockeries
From dreamy to sceptic
Killed all the young loves merry

Cherry on top
He said he loved me
Copy pasted for others
Hence loved me and another

A lover shared
Wasn't planed

Why did I stay quiet?
Why did I sucked it all?
What made him stand tall?
While I cowered and crawled
Silent muffles
caused by the fraud ...
Now tell me oh call!

Puppy love it was Dora
love is not heaven 

and lover isn't the god

So Dora forgive yourself

And build you
Strong and serene
Sharp and infallible
So you could never fall!!!

That was pretty much a relationship emotional manipulation, where one is manipulated in believing that a man can do anything, and the women whoes love is true is believed shall suck it all!!!...

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