Part 6

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When Nat woke up in the middle of the night, she was going to get something to drink when she suddenly heard noises coming from Y/n's room. She knocked on her room, but Y/n didn't respond.

"It's the middle of the night, she must be sleeping". But all of a sudden, a scream comes from Y/n's room and Nat rushed into the room. There was nothing special to see. Y/N was lying in her bed sleeping, she was very restless and was sweating. Nat went to her and woke her up. Y/N jumped up startled and didn't know where she was.
Nat calmly said "all is well Y/N, you are safe, you had a nightmare" a short time later Nat realized that Y/N's bed was all wet because she was sweating so much from fear. Nat helped Y/N up and took her out of bed and escorted her to the bathroom.

Nat turned on the shower.
"What are you doing?"
"You're going to take a cold shower for now, trust me, it'll do you good!"
Y/N refused, so Nat pushed Y/N by the shoulders into the shower, she herself was now standing under the shower too.

All of a sudden everything came up in Y/N and she started crying and couldn't keep herself on her feet. She slid her back down the wall in the running shower so she ended up sitting on the floor. Nat followed her to the floor and took Y/N in her arms. Both were very wet by now, but that didn't bother anyone.

Y/N stayed in Nat's arms for a while, letting all the feelings out. After a while, Nat noticed that Y/N was getting calmer and turned off the shower. The cold shower did Y/N a lot of good. Nat helped her back up.

"May I?" said Nat, pointing to Y/N's wet Tshirt. Y/N nodded and Nat took off her Tshirt and put a dry one over. Nat put Y/N back to bed and was about to leave when Y/N said "can you stay?"
Nat went back and put on some dry clothes of Y/N and sat in bed with her. She took her upper body and put it on her lap. Y/n fell asleep very quickly, but Nat didn't want to move because she was afraid Y/n would wake up again. So she stayed there for the night and a short time later she also fell asleep.

The next morning, Wanda came into Y/N's room to see how she was doing when she saw that she was not alone in bed. Wanda was very confused when she saw that Nat was lying next to her. She decided to leave the room again and check back later. When Wanda closed the door, Nat woke up and saw Y/N lying on her hip and had to smile. She stroked Y/N's head to gently wake her up. Y/N slowly woke up wondering about the situation she was in until she realized what happened last night.

"Thank you for staying" Y/N said in a very soft voice since she is not fully awake yet.
"Do you maybe want to talk about it? So about your nightmare?"
"I have these nightmares all the time, I can rarely sleep through the night" said Y/N sitting down on the bed.
"I know that, you've been through so much. But you can rest easy now, it's all over. Your father can't do anything to you now."
"I know, yet I still feel haunted by him" Y/N said, looking Nat in the eye.
"I can promise you that you are safe, we will protect you!"
"Thank you Natasha, really"
"You can call me Nat" said Nat and grinned.
"Okay then thank you Nat, also for last night, that means a lot to me. I don't know anything like that. Security."

"I know you hate me for what I did, and I can understand that, I just want you to know that I'm still here for you!"

"I don't hate you. Okay maybe a little, but not because you killed my sister. I didn't even really know her."
"Then why did you try to kill me?"
"First because that's what my dad wanted me to do, and second because I was mad at you, not because you killed my sister, but because you didn't kill me" said Y/N, a tear running down her cheek.

"What?" asked Nat, continuing to maintain eye contact with Y/N.
"Well, my life sucked, I lost my family. My siblings lost their memories of me and my parents died because of me"
"Why because of you?"
"I always tried to get back to them, so Dreykov wiped them out by shooting a Stark bomb in their apartment" Y/N said, looking at Nat again.
"It wasn't your fault, it's logical that you wanted to get back to your family, Dreykov is the one who killed them." said Nat and hugged Y/N.

"Now come on, let's make some breakfast"

When Y/N and Nat went to the kitchen, they saw Wanda. "What was going on with you guys tonight?" she said, shoving a spoonful of cereal into her mouth. "Why?" asked Nat.
"I saw you two together in Y/N's bed this morning, is the hatred between you over?"
"You could say that yes" Y/N said and grinned at Nat.
"I had a rough night and Nat stayed with me".
"So are you feeling any better? Have you been able to settle in here a bit?"
"Yeah so-so, but I have my sister here" Y/N said, pinching Wanda's cheek.

Y/N was back in her room when Nat knocked on the door. "Hey Y/N, I was wondering if maybe we wanted to train together later? You might be able to teach me some new stuff" said Nat with a grin on her face. "Yea, sure" said Y/N, grinning back. "Can I ask you something Nat?"
"Of course"
"Where have the Widows been taken? I'd love to visit a few!"
"The data is all in the computer, I can print it out for you if you want. I didn't know you had such a good relationship with them."
"well they were a bit like family to me. We spent every day together. I got along really well with a few of them and they became good friends. I just want to see if they are better now."
"I can understand that, I'll give you the list later then".

In the evening Nat and Y/N meet in the training room to train together.
"I was just with Loki, he thinks you are really hot and asks me all the time about you"
"what does he want from me?"
"I can understand him" Nat said with a grin on his face.
"What do you mean now?" asked Y/N while taking off her t-shirt.
"You're already a little hot and very good looking" said Nat looking at Y/N who was standing in front of her in just her sports bra.
"That's very nice of you, I can say the same for you though."
"so, let's get started with the workout".

They both warmed up a bit first and then started with some techniques. After that they went into the boxing ring and fought a little. "you're really strong" said Nat, who is currently being pushed to the ground by Y/N. "I know" said Y/N smiling and helping Nat back up. "rematch?"
"I'm in" said Y/N and went back to position. This time Nat was the one pushing Y/N to the floor and sat on her hip, pressing her hands against the floor. Y/N grinned and said "you like that, don't you?" and laughed.
Nat got a little red in the face and helped Y/N back up.

"I have to get back to Loki, your lover" Nat said laughing. "He's still not my type" said Y/N.
"What is your type?" asked Nat as she put on a sweater.
"I'm not into men" said Y/N while grinning and leaving the room.

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