An old friend

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"Minji grap your purse we're going to friends!" my mom shouted from the livingroom.

"It's Saturaday I wanna hang out with some friends and not meet one of your old friends!"

"Sweetheart, you already hung with your friends yesterday and probably will also tomorrow. Just do something with your mom for one day. And i think it will be intersting for you, too.

My friend has a son that is about your age. So you have someone to talk to too. My friend actually knows you, when you were little we often met and you two babys always played together."

A boy my age didn't sound bad. So I agreed and we got in the car. After driving for like 1 hour my mom fianlly stoped the car. "Here it is."my mom said and got out of the car. We were Standing infront of a huge house. Who the hell could aford something like this? And since when does my mom have rich friends?

My mom knocked on the door. A pretty woman opend the door and hugged my mom. "So good to see you, it has been such a Long time!" And then the woman turned towards me and said: "Minji you've grown up so you even rember me?" ", i'm sorry." "Oh, don't be sorry, Sweetheart, it has been a really Long time. I'm Miyoung. Come in." she said and me and my mom enterd the hall.

"My son should be here any Minute. He's on a date with his girlfriend"

We went to the living room and ate cake that Miyoung preperard. I didn't know what to do. The living room was almost as big as our whole apartment. There hung a lot of old paintings on the wall. I just kept talking with my mom and Miyoung for a bit.

After half an hour I heard someone unlock the door and screamimg: "Mom, I'm home!!"

The Boy walked into the living room and looked really surprised when he saw me and my mom. "Taehyung...I told you Minji and her mom would come today...and why are you so late."

"Oh, I'm sorry me and Taeyeon had a little fight." he said approching us, as he came closer I saw that he was pretty tall.

"Hello!" he said while sitting down next to me.

Wow, he was handsome.

"So you're mom said we actually went to kindergarden together so we already know each other...kinda..." he said smiling.

"Taehyung, why don't you show Minji around?" his mom said while taking another piece of the cake.

"Sure." he said and smiled at me.

He was so cute...but I had to get these thoughts out of my head, apparently he had a girlfriend.

From the living room we walked into another hall with severl doors.

"You're the first Girl my mom lets me be alone with these days." he grinned. How many Girls does he invite over here?!?

"Oh..." I said cofused.

"Oh..not that I have girls over here all the time...just that...well just forget what I said." he said.

Then he showed me a bit around. When we were done we sat down in the kitchen and talked a bit.

"So why do you think we haven't met before? I mean apparently our moms are friends." he said.

"I have no idea...I actually thought I knew all my mom's friends." i said looking at him.

We sat in the kitch for a while till my mom came and said:"I'll go shopping with Miyoung , you guys wanna come with?" I definitly won't go shopping with my mom. I looked at Taehyung and it seemed like he thought the same thing.

"No!" we said at the same time.

"Ok, then we'll be back in about 3 to 4 hours." My mom left the kitchen,then we heard the door close. Now that I thought about it again...what the fuck should I do with a guy I don't even really know alone in a house for 4 hours?!

"Any ideas what we could do?" I asked him. "How about we watch a movie?" - "Sure. What movies do you have?" - "Depends on which kind of movie do you wanna watch?"

"Maybe a horror movie?" I asked. "Wow, ok. I thought you were gonna say a romance."

"No, I don't really like romances. I just think these kind of movies are just really dumb and unrealistic."

"You're not like all the other girls...for good. I like it." he winked.

Is he flirting with me? Doesn't he have a girlfriend?

We started watch the horror movie. The movie was very good, but not scary at all. After we watched the movie he ordered pizza for us.

After 20 minutes the door bell rang. Taehyung wasn't there, he went upstairs to change because he exidently spilled coke all over his shirt. So I went to open the door and get the pizza.

When I opend the door there was no pizza man. Infront of me were standing 3 guys, who looked totaly confused at me.

"Is it the Pizza?" I heard from behind me and turned around. I saw Taehyung running down the stairs while putting on his shirt. I immediatly looked away. Now the three guys looked at me and then at Taehyung.

I can imagine how this looks like.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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