The Museum

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**Chrysa's P.O.V**

My day was bad enough when Martian from the land of Ponies attacked. I had already failed on an Algebra test. Everyone got F's but I didn't. I got an A -!!!!! HOW COULD I DO SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway I was walking through the halls and was asked out a million times by Zam. UGH!!!!!!!! He is such a weirdo! Also what type of name is Zam! Okay sure my name is a type of flower but Zam isn't a real name or thing. He has blond hair and bright blue eyes (Shreya: UGH!!!! Alexa's definition of cute!!!!!!! Alexa: Well excuse me but almost all blond hair blue eye guys are cute! Shreya and Lauren: UGH!!!!!!!!! Lauren: Umm... girl that's disgusting! Anvitha:Personal experiences tell me NO BOY IS CUTE. MOSTLY ANNOYING! Sheesh. ) Anyway continuing my story after that rude interruption by our rude authors!!! (Alexa: HEY!!! Shreya: WE R NOT RUDE!!!!!!!! Lauren: wait she knows when we interrupt the story!?!?!!? Alexa: U forgot to tell her did u? Shreya: yeah she can talk in our A/Ns Lauren: .......... Chrysa (Chrysanthemum): She has a name u know now shut up and let me tell the story! ) As I was saying, I was walking down the hallway heading to fifth period when I saw Jacob. I felt my heart beating. I was hoping he would stop and talk to me. Stop it Chrysanthemum! I told myself. Even though you are the most popular girl in the school it doesn't mean he'll notice you. Well today he noticed me!

"Hey," he said

"Whatsup blondie" I said. I hoped I wasn't blushing. "How's life," He was about to respond when Zam tried to talk to me and asked me out.

"I'd rather die" I replied glaring at Zam and walked away. Ugh I can't believe he ruined my chance of talking to Jacob. I angrily blew my curly bang out of my face and continued down the hall. I saw my brother trying to open his locker which happened to be right next to mine. "Need help little bro," I said

He sighed. He hated it when I called him little bro. "First of all, I most certainly do not need help and second of all I act older than you." He replied

"Yeah but I'm older!"



"Whatever Chrysa" he huffed rolling his eyes " By the way stop putting thumb tacks on Mrs.Weird's chair." I was secretly the school's most famous prankster, maybe Jacob will talk to me. No? Yes? I don't know! As Mrs. Weird walked into the room, not noticing the tacks, she sat down. "OW!!!!!! Who did this??????" She yelled. I tried to hide my laughter, which I did very well if I do say so myself, and I looked very innocent. You're probably wondering why she's called Mrs. Weird. Right? Well...... she isn't weird at all and that's why she's named that. It totally makes sense [says sarcastically] She looked around the room. Everyone was trying not to laugh. I raised my hand and innocently said "Mrs.Weird are you okay?" Everyone started laughing real hard now. "Yes Chrysanthemum" she always used my full name for some reason. "Unfortunately your classmates are not considerate of the fact that I was injured. Would they care to come upstairs for lunch detention this afternoon?" The laughter drastically died down. "Anyways, shall we start learning about quadratic equations now?" I heard a bunch of groans from behind me. I never really hated school because my brother and I learned twelfth grade stuff instead of ninth grade stuff. I glanced at my three friends; Isha, Alex and Emma. Isha was Indian with dark black eyes and straight dark black hair in a ponytail. Alex, her best friend, had brown wavy hair, chestnut colored eyes and freckles that were spread across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Emma, one of my best friends of all time and Jacob's sister, had dark wavy hair with grayish green eyes and a troublemaker smile. They were all popular like me but just not as popular. They sat to the right of me. In front of me was George who loved the Harry Potter series he had red hair and brown eyes. Next to George was his twin Fred. I have to admit the Weasley twins and I are alike in many ways including our talent for playing pranks and the fact that I also have a twin brother. Behind me was Jacob [sigh] I remember he was about to sit next to me the first day of school when Zam ran and sat in the seat right next to me. Of course thats when I first met Zam. Aww! Hate at first sight!! (Anvitha: LOL!) Zam tried flirting with me over and over again. I ended up in the nurses office then because I felt like throwing up after all that. JK! But it was gross. and sadly to the right of me was Zam. Class got over pretty quick and I waited for my friends Isha, Alex, Emma and Laura. "OMG I can't believe I'm doing horrible in math!" Isha said exasperated.

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